Thursday, 18 April 2013

My contributions to this blog are hit and miss. I have to assume that anyone  this blog has stopped by because of the Rose and Jack story I posted on Bea's blog.
From many of the kind and positive comments I think Bea's readers enjoyed it. I brought that part as far as I could but now I'm thinking of creating another strand to the story but as Lucky Girl is continuing with his/her wonderful contribution  I think there may be scope to explore Jack's relationship with other characters. I think Lucky Girl's story is going great and I hope she continues with it but I think it's important I do not  interefere with her plot/storyline.
As Rocket Dave pointed out some time ago  a few contributors to the same story at the same time  was a potential mess waiting to be written so if I do decide to go ahead I'll only post it here so as not to interfere with LG's story.
At the moment I have only a vague idea for the plot but I will put some more thought into it in the next week or so if time permits.
 I'll be almost exclusively in the company of women for the next week and that always gets my sub/femme side up and running. Mind you it does the masculine side head in as well- talk about being fucked up.


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