Friday, 6 March 2015

ASP Illustration - Robert's Punishment

Apologies to Our German Friend for not acknowledging your comment I almost forgotten I posted the last item- so thank you, I really appreciate it.
 I’m having difficulty in completing ASP not so much with the ideas as with the perennial issue of time –well, time management I suppose not to mention concentration issues, I’ve got almost 6000 words but more than likely publish the final chapter in  two parts otherwise I’ll probably never finish it. It really is hard to know if readers are losing interest, the number of people reading is down but the readers who have shown an interest for more is definitely encouraging, 45 last time I looked – mixed signals and I really don’t know what to make of it.
As people may know I have a love of the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s it was the epitome of femininity in female fashion and I absolutely love the foundation wear of that era – so restricting I know because I have some.  Anyway below is a piece I’ve been working on and although it may not fit into the current part of the story it could very well appear in the next chapter or I may post it as a stand alone piece. I have deliberately changed the model for Robert, keeping his hair short to highlight his masculinity thus increasing his humiliation. 
What I may do is post in on Bea’s blog without the caption and ask people to make their own suggestions, if anyone wants to do that here please post it as a comment and if I have the time  I’ll re-do it and  post it on this or Bea’s blog.


ps As the picture is black and  white the colour for the captions may be  hard to read it's hard to get it right.