Friday, 6 March 2015

ASP Illustration - Robert's Punishment

Apologies to Our German Friend for not acknowledging your comment I almost forgotten I posted the last item- so thank you, I really appreciate it.
 I’m having difficulty in completing ASP not so much with the ideas as with the perennial issue of time –well, time management I suppose not to mention concentration issues, I’ve got almost 6000 words but more than likely publish the final chapter in  two parts otherwise I’ll probably never finish it. It really is hard to know if readers are losing interest, the number of people reading is down but the readers who have shown an interest for more is definitely encouraging, 45 last time I looked – mixed signals and I really don’t know what to make of it.
As people may know I have a love of the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s it was the epitome of femininity in female fashion and I absolutely love the foundation wear of that era – so restricting I know because I have some.  Anyway below is a piece I’ve been working on and although it may not fit into the current part of the story it could very well appear in the next chapter or I may post it as a stand alone piece. I have deliberately changed the model for Robert, keeping his hair short to highlight his masculinity thus increasing his humiliation. 
What I may do is post in on Bea’s blog without the caption and ask people to make their own suggestions, if anyone wants to do that here please post it as a comment and if I have the time  I’ll re-do it and  post it on this or Bea’s blog.


ps As the picture is black and  white the colour for the captions may be  hard to read it's hard to get it right.


  1. My comment to the ASP Illustration "Robert`sPunishment"

    Hi Carrie, another hopeful sign of life full of yourself.
    Great, we can look forward to two more surely, exciting half consequences of the Story
    Chapter 11 pleased "Robert`s Punishment".

    The image is out once again very well done and can be many things to come, only guess.
    The corset, probably an underbust corset in 1900, is certainly a substantial penalty for Robert that Greta has come up.
    The penalty is tightened and the lace bra that was worn by many women around 1950. Yes, that was the fashion after the terrible war. The women wanted to be women again.
    Greta's more punitive to deface the poor Robert with his military haircut, I personally find not so good. But this is a matter of opinion!
    Robert had wonderful long hair, with which he began his service with Madam Kirchen. The clear-cutting of his hair may certainly mean a further penalty in the sense of humiliation for Robert.
    But its appearance is now for him, for Madam and the rest of the staff still nice, tasteful and appealing, in the sense of

    It can, in my opinion, and based on our own experience personally do not feel more feminine in his female attire. How does that work? He will surely hate because of his appearance in person.
    He would also not visually match the female household of Madam Kirchen.

    Presumably, the success hoped would lead to the increase of His humiliation
    also with a deformation of its lovely dark hair with curlers, perm pp. have been possible.

    Greta has indeed beautiful curly hair and looks so very feminine even with the cap of

    Greta is certainly gone too far with the clear-cutting of his hair.

    But maybe it's just a suggestion or challenge the writer to test the views of his readers before publishing?

    No matter how the writers will decide, I love the story ASP and look forward to any upcoming sequel.

    Many greetings from Germany.

  2. To Our German Friend
    Many thanks for your comments on this and the last posting I very much appreciate you taking the time to do so. For some reason I found this chapter very difficult to finish and as I said before I had to discard 2500 words and start again. Hopefully the next one will be easier and quicker to post.
    The corset certainly looks like something from 1900’s but I think it is a Jenyns or Camp corset from the 30’s I remember reading about this particular one but I just can’t find the article. It certainly is a wonderful creation. The idea of having to lace himself into it under Greta’s supervision just adds to his humiliation.
    I understand exactly what you mean about his hair. This is why I did it - Frau Kirchen decided that because he was not trying hard enough to embrace his feminine side she cut his hair to teach him a lesson and also to humiliate him even more. Now when he has to go out in public people are presented with a creature that has very boyish features i.e. his hairstyle and minimal make-up but also wearing a dress or a skirt. The first thing they will ask is : is he a boy or girl? this will mean he will have to act in a very feminine way to convince people he is a girl or risk the public humiliation and mockery of being exposed as a male in a dress. This is his (our) worst fear. In reality whatever chance a male with long hair or a wig has of passing as a girl, a male with very short hair he has no chance.
    By now you have probably read the story and know this does not happen, well not yet anyway, and perhaps it never will. Maybe this is a dream/nightmare he has had- based on a threat that Madam made. This could be just another way that Madam is eroding his resistance to becoming the girl she wants him to be.
    Thank you so much once again for your comments it really is great to get some feedback.
    Take care

  3. Hi Carrie,
     I thank you very much for your reply.
    Yes, of course I have the history chapter 11 already read several times.
     Once again, an intelligent, creative work of a very talented writer. Danke²², thank you, thank you ...... ..
     I'm excited. and I am convinced that your readers would regret stop this story very much, especially since it still contains a lot of potential for many sequels. Maybe even provisionally, until you like again raise a little more time for this. You're stuck full of ideas that should be lived for your readers.
    It suggests, unfortunately, may also have a "happy ending" for our protagonist to. Madam mused already ..........
     I have a beautiful lacing corset underbust can see (in the picture) neither in the catalogs of Camp from 1930 et seq still at Spirella (Australia). Here, chic, I could find only on the French manufacturers missing. However, it could also be the Edwardian lacing corset around 1905. Here the front lacing.
    Further aggravating the sanction (male short hair) with the announced consequences I can understand now. However, I tend more for "re-education through praise and reward," as the children, with the desired behavior with pretty lingerie, but also with a pretty dress that his chest approaches can show the cleavage, should be rewarded. The length mirror is constantly showing his beauty. He is now already in front of it!
    He is already more than Daphne Robert. A presently hardly reversible process (irreversible) .It only the "kick" is missing, then it no longer thinks of the OP his beautiful
    Take care

  4. There is just nothing else in the world like the feel of mistress tightening the laces on my corset!
