Sunday, 6 September 2015

WNL Chapters 17-20

Below are the next four chapters of WNL, apologies for the delay to the few who are following it. Thanks to Silk and Satin and the German commenter for your encouragement, I very much appreciate you taking the time to comment and I’m glad you like the story so far.  The interest in the story seems to be waning so perhaps readers are getting bored with it. Or perhaps it is because most of the scenes have taken place in the same room or maybe the story is too tame or is just not interesting/erotic enough, without feedback it’s hard to know. Anyway I’ll keep it going for another few chapters and review its future then, not much point in boring readers to death.


  1. Dear Carrie, please keep on going. It's very erotic. May I ask from what movie you found the excellent stills for WNL ? Kind regards from another submissive Irish TV still in the closet.

  2. Dear Irish commenter,

    Many thanks for your kinds words and support, the lack of feedback means I’m unsure if this type of material is to people’s taste so I’m glad you like it and grateful you took the time and trouble to comment.

    The scenes are from a German tv series- Braut wider Willen (Reluctant Bride)- it was a series shown in 2005 but did not last too long. Compared with other tv series-German, British, Spanish the sets, costumes etc. are not great but it serves my purpose. I actually bought half the series on DVD and used software to get the stills, this enabled me to get the shots I wanted which was very useful when it came to getting the bests stills for continuity purposes, facial expressions etc. again, very important for the storyline.

    I had intended to do another story after this, a favourite old film wonderful maids uniforms, clothes, sets, etc but apart from a few – albeit very supportive readers who were kind enough to comment- there doesn’t seem to be much interest (I gauge that from the reaction section at the end of very post- only 3 people to date have indicated they would like to see more) which is fair enough as I’ve said this material may be everyone’s cup of tea.

    I hope you don’t mind me mentioning but it’s interesting that you said you’re still in the closet- I think you’re not alone in that in fact I’d say you’re in the majority. Funny enough, I suppose I’m only half way out of the closet in that my wife knows I’m a CD- not by my choice - but she has absolutely no idea of my sub side, it was traumatic enough being outed (I’ve went into this in more detail on Bea’s blog) without going into my fantasies and I have no wish to share that part of my life with her. By the way my wife is ok with my being a CD, we laugh about it a lot, but she has never asked to see me en femme which I must confess would scare and excite me in equal measure. I reckon she’s afraid that I would make a better looking woman than her.

    That’s a long winded way of saying sometimes, if it’s not causing you too much problems, it’s ok to stay in the closet.

    I’m rambling again. Thanks again for your support, great to hear from you and if you ( or any reader) have any themes/ideas you’d like included in the story/blog please let me know, if it chimes with the general subject matter I’ll try and include it in any future story.

    Best regards

  3. Wann kommt der nächste Teil, Please, Please. .............???

  4. Wann kommt der nächste Teil, Please, Please. .............???

  5. Eli's...when will the next part come? Ah, I guessed correctly. Having found these stories in 2016 I don't have that worry.
