Friday, 30 October 2015

Rozamund's early influences.

I have completed a few more chapters of William’s New Life and will post them in a few weeks,there is so little interest it is hard to get the motivation but thank you to the three readers who liked it enough to tick the more box.  However it is good to know there are a few readers who have similar taste to mine when it comes to forced feminisation. It’s a pity there are not a few more as it serves as a motivating factor to produce more material.

I tend to work on a few projects at a time, some more successful than others so while I was working on WNL I was also churning ideas around for a sequel to A Suitable Position. I think most readers have come to this blog via my stuff on Bea’s blog and if so will probably familiar with ASP. I mentioned in a comment that it would be interesting to discover what our hero Robert’s life was like with his aunts before he fell into the clutches of Rozamund Kirchen. Recently I had a similar thought about Rozamund and the Countess and what their backstory would be like.  To this end I reworked an old illustration I did some years back which throws light on Rozamund’s early life and influences, her views on males and how feminisation would benefit them. I actually did two narratives for the same piece, one for Robert and the other – the one you see here is for Rozamund.

As the rugby World Cup comes to a close, congrats to Argentina on beating Ireland, Australia were just too good for them in the semis but they are an exciting team. Such a pity about the Scots but for a referring error they would have been in the semis. The final tomorrow should be a great  game, don’t know  who to shout for as I like both the Aussies and the All Blacks, so it will have to be the ref Nigel Owens.

As usual it would be great if I got some feedback/response but I live in hope more than expectation.
I hope you enjoy the piece.



  1. Hello Dear
    Neuseeland ist Weltmeister!!!!!!!
    Please more from William’s new Life, where is part 26,27,28,29.
    I like the pictures fom the film.
    Is a interesting story. Please, please,please more.

  2. Dear Carrie,
    it is for a great writer, like you, who has a job, has continued making and family that should not be neglected, frustrating certainly, if only 3 readers their crosses with "please more" your picture story "William's New Life" left ..
    If I may mention your recent stories, as
    "Rose and Jack":
    and "Amongst Women": and
    Saga with Chapter 13 "A Suitable Position" (ASP "which
    received 29 now crosses at "more", then the cause should be found but why now your picture story "William's New Life" finds so little resonance.
    Possible causes of the lack of resonance:
    1.Your blog will certainly clicked often, but the genre of the story is not so clearly emphasized as ""
    2.Your blog is hardly found for Genre
    3. is found by hints in the stories of Bea at Amazon, Lulu, etc. immediately. The stories are often read.
    4. Interested readers who have mastered the English language does not or not so good, unfortunately, can`t copy the image stories to let them mutatis mutandis translate with Google.
    5. If the product in the industry hardly find buyers, then the product is thrown off the production line in order to save costs. However good the products are produced with great effort and throw off profits.
    So should in all modesty come my part of the proposal, further installments of the comic strip "William's New Life" also set in order to save precious free time in order to offer better products to the readers.
    6. Your epilogue concludes ASP Chapter 13 contains an enormous potential with a great entertainment value.

    Please dear Carrie put the story in any ASP continued already you mentioned form.
    Either whereabouts of our hero Robert at Rozamund Kirchen among the already envisaged new rules or its future role with his aunts in their men loose households.

    Many greetings from Germany. I love your stories

  3. In Deutsch:

    Lieber Carrie,
    es ist für einen großen Schriftsteller, wie dich, der berufstätig ist, sich weiter fortbildet und Familie hat, die nicht zu kurz kommen sollte, mit Sicherheit frustrierend, wenn nur 3 Leser ihr Kreuzchen bei "bitte mehr" deiner Bildgeschichte "William's New Life" hinterlassen..
    Wenn ich deine bisherigen Geschichten erwähnen darf, wie
    "Rose and Jack":
    and "Amongst Women": und die
    Saga with Chapter 13 " A Suitable Position" (ASP", die
    nunmehr 29 Kreuzchen bei "more" erhalten hat, dann sollte doch die Ursache gefunden werden, warum nunmehr deine Bildgeschichte "William's New Life" so wenig Resonanz findet.
    Mögliche Ursachen der fehlenden Resonanz:
    1.Dein Blog wird sicherlich häufig angeklickt, aber das Genre der Geschichte ist nicht so deutlich herausgestellt wie bei ""
    2.Dein Blog wird zum Genre kaum gefunden
    3. wird durch Hinweise in den Geschichten von Bea bei Amazon, Lulu usw. sofort gefunden. Die Geschichten werden gerne gelesen.
    4. Interessierte Leser, die die englische Sprache nicht oder nicht mehr so gut beherrschen, können leider nicht die Bildgeschichten kopieren, um sie bei Google sinngemäß übersetzen zu lassen.
    5. Wenn ein Produkt in der Industrie kaum Käufer findet, dann wird das Produkt vom Band geworfen, um Kosten einzusparen. Gute Produkte dagegen werden mit großem Aufwand produziert und werfen Gewinne ab.
    So sollte bei aller Bescheidenheit meinerseits der Vorschlag kommen, weitere Fortsetzungen der Bildgeschichte " William's New Life " auch einzustellen, um kostbare Freizeit einzusparen, um bessere Produkte den Lesern anzubieten.
    6.Ihr Epilog zu dem Schluss ASP Kapitel 13 enthält ein enormes Potenzial mit einem großen Unterhaltungswert.

    Bitte lieber Carrie setzen Sie die Geschichte ASP in irgendeiner von Ihnen bereits angesprochenen Form fort.
    Entweder Verbleib unseres Helden Robert bei Rozamund Kirchen unter den bereits avisierten neuen Bedingungen oder seine künftige Tätigkeit bei seinen Tanten in ihren männerlosen Haushalten.

    Viele Grüße aus Deutschland. Ich liebe Ihre Geschichten

  4. It is great to get comments and feedback but even more so from readers for whom English is not their first language. Like every other sexual proclivity Forced Feminisation knows no borders and hopefully with the help of translation services non-English speaking visitors to the blog will understand what is happening in WNL.

    Thanks to Elis for your support, it is very encouraging to get positive feedback and I am glad you like WNL. As I mentioned I have 2 episodes already done and hope to complete 2 more in the next week or so – my time is very restricted at the moment but I will do my best.

    Thanks also to my other German friend who has been very kind with his support for the stories I wrote for Bea’s blog. Thank you also for your suggestions particularly about the issue of “image stories” ( captioned images) and the fact that non- English speakers may find it difficult to translate them. I will have to think about that.

    I think your suggestion about Amazon and Lulu is very interesting and is worth exploring. As I said previously I have ideas for a prequel/sequel but as mentioned above my time is very limited at the moment hopefully this may change in the next few months but I’m not sure if I could commit to another long story/serial. Captioned images are much easier.

    Thanks again for your support.

    Best regards
