Sunday, 2 April 2017

Delay with next chapter ......BUT

Due to various commitments I’m having difficulty getting sufficient time to complete the next chapter of AVVE. To date I have rewritten 90% of the chapter I feel the original was better I think I was/am rushing it but there’s nothing I can do about it now.

The storyline in this chapter would have been 6-7000 words (I’ve written 4000 approx), readers have been very supportive and I hate letting people down in not posting a chapter a month but real life has a habit of intruding and as mentioned I am very pressed for time.

 So I have two choices, I could post it as it stands but it would end very abruptly or I could try to shorten the final section of it ( which is important for the following chapter and maybe the overall story) to less than a 1000 words which would still mean a delay but not as long. At the moment I’m leaning towards the latter option. Maybe a third option is to do another stand alone piece of under a 1000 words. I’ll think about it over few beers tonight.

In the meantime the only contribution I can make to the blog are these pictures I had from an old magazine which I came across recently.

Here’s an idea. Perhaps some readers can write a caption or a very short story (a few hundred words) and if you want it posted e mail me and I’ll do it. It might be a bit of fun and it will also get your creative juices flowing , I will respect your privacy/anonymity if that is your preference.

Go on try it. If you’re reading this blog we all have the same taste on forced feminisation.
Hopefully I’ll finish the next chapter in a few weeks.

Thanks for your patience.

Take care


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