Thursday, 19 March 2020

AVVE Update plus illustration

Yet again I never fail to disappoint, the last chapter was promised a few weeks ago,
insert plausible excuse here _____________________.

So apologies to the few still following Aubrey's travails. I know it's very frustrating but what can I say? The best laid plans etc etc.

The good news -if there is such a thing in these very strange days - is I am very close to finishing the latest chapter(no I could not complete the story as it would take too  much time right now). I hope to have it in the next week and if I get lucky maybe even the weekend.
As it's been so long since the last chapter I'll probably have to give a brief synopsis of the most recent part of the story.

In the meantime I hope you enjoy the captioned illustration below- remember there is always someone worse off than you.

Take care and please stay safe it's scary out there and I can't afford to lose any readers.


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