Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Story Update

Hi All

It's been a while since my last post but I have been busy- writing as well as the normal day to date stuff(if there is such a thing as normal anymore).

What I'm currently working on is a follow up- I'm loathe to call it aa 2nd chapter but realistically that's probably what it is- of Life's Little Dilemmas. At 10k plus words it's the longest piece I've written to date which is the main reason there's been an even longer gap than usual in posting.

On the plus side I'm very close to finishing it however I'll need to reread/edit after I've completed it but even so I expect to post it in the next few days unless of course there's a complete disaster.

Thank you for your continuing patience.

Take care



  1. Take your time. We love your work and are grateful for your efforts and your dedication. Stay safe. Signed, "One of your many loyal readers."

  2. Thank you for your kind words, it really means a lotto know readers enjoy the stuff I post. I'm almost there and expect to be finished tomorrow(Fri) and have it posted by Sat(BST). Hopefully reader will like it.
    Take care and thanks again.


  3. Keep up the good work, Carrie. In these dark times it’s something to look forward to and savour.

  4. Dark times they certainly are Bonzodoug and thank your for your kind words.

    See what I meant about rereading/editing my last comment had 3 typos.

    I really hope you won't be disappointed by the latest offering but please if you are let me know as I really value readers views and I'm not precious about criticism.

    Take care of yourself.

