Thursday, 8 April 2021

Nurturing Talent - New Story plus Illustration


Life is a little disjointed and complicated for me at the moment and I’m finding it difficult to concentrate in a way that doesn’t exactly help writing so I hope that readers won’t mind if I delay the next chapter of LLD. It is in danger of becoming a lengthy serial and  the thought of that unnerves me, I’m not sure I could cope with such a project so I’ll try to finish it in a reasonable way(before readers die of boredom or forget the story altogether) if not by the next chapter then the following one.    

I’m only too aware that my little issues pale into insignificance against the problems many people are experiencing right now so I hope I don’t come across as too self-absorbed.

Ok-That’s out of the way.

The idea for the story below came to me as I was writing the latest chapter of LLD and I find unless I act on the idea immediately, it usually disappears. The story could have been extended (and I had ideas/options for that) but had I done so it would have been another month before I’d be able to post it.  I credit readers of this blog with sufficiently vivid imaginations that they are more than capable of conjuring up their own continuation. Having said all that if I get a chance I’ll see if I can finish it.

Thanks to Jennisissy who was kind enough to comment and usually I’d thank those  who ticked the ‘more’ box but Google in their high handed manner have withdrawn that facility so now I have no idea if people will even like it.

Spoiler Alert: The illustration doesn’t portray any scene in the story but sprang from the story’s obvious progression, it would probably have occurred at some stage if time had permitted. I was going to caption it but as I’ve said above – I have no doubt your imaginations will have little trouble in fashioning a suitable narrative.

Hopefully I caught all the typos/grammatical errors if not – apologies in advance.

If I get a chance in the next week or two I'll try to get another new illustration done for the Blog's main picture but no promises.

Take care of yourselves and hopefully you will enjoy the story below.



Nurturing Talent





“Vivian” The tone in Julia’s voice betrayed her irritation “We already decided on this weeks ago.”

“But I think…”he began a little nervously but fell silent as Julia turned from the bed and directed an exasperated gaze at him.

“You are not paid to think.” Julia replied brusquely and turned to the maid busy folding various items of clothing “Finish this for me Rachel.”  Gesturing at the Louis Vuitton case, she instructed the impeccably uniformed girl as she moved to the end of the large satin quilted bed to where he stood, looking as anxious as a doe separated from its mother.

“Vivian darling,” she said in a more conciliatory tone as she took his hand in hers and continued in a soft yet undeniable determined voice “I thought we already agreed that the less thinking you do the better for your creative process.”

“But…”he tried once more.

“We also agreed that I have complete control of the business side.” she interrupted, her voice firm but not aggressive. “You only get confused by figures, sales projections, marketing and all the rest. Your talents lie elsewhere. This meeting will determine the company’s future, your future. If everything goes well you will have your own show in Paris next year.”

“Paris?”he echoed, his face lighting up at the mention of such a career changing event.

“The first of many I’m sure.” Julia said confidently “These people have seen our latest collection and I’m bringing some of the pieces from the latest one but it’s so important that you remain here to finish it. I know Mother will be of great assistance in helping you, she has such knowledge of fashion and you get on so well with her. You make a wonderful team.”

She looked at him, her green eyes locking with his. Now was not the time for him to disagree with her.

“Oh…yes…yes.” he somehow managed a smile and hoped Julia did not detect the dismay he felt.

 “I’m so glad, she thinks the world of you.” Julia effused, completely taken in by this fiction and was about to continue but was distracted as the maid coughed politely.

“Pardon me Madam but should I pack a case for Miss… oh… I’m terribly sorry … I mean Mister Vivian?”

“No Rachel.” Julia answered the girl, seemingly oblivious to the embarrassment caused to him, “Mister Vivian will remain here, my mother will be arriving shortly to keep him company and take charge of the household in my absence. After you have put the case in the car send Mrs Caine to me.”

“Yes Madam.” the maid replied and picked up the heavy case with an ease that he strongly suspected he could not match.

As Julia retreated to the bathroom, the maid now stood in front of the young man and with the heavy suitcase still effortlessly being held in one hand she bobbed curtsy as she smiled sweetly at him and as usual he couldn’t decide if her expression was one genuine respect or one of barely concealed derision.

“Madam’s mother looking after you!” The maid continued to smile or maybe it was a smirk - he still wasn’t sure “Such an impressive lady, she certainly keeps us servants on our toes. You are so lucky Miss… I mean Mister Vivian.”

It was as she reached the door he finally concluded that her words were indeed laced with more than a hint of impertinence, she loitered momentarily and glanced back at him, he opened his mouth with the intention of admonishing her but perceiving something in her expression he hesitated.

“Did you want something…Miss…oh silly me …Mister Vivian.” she said in yet another questionable tone of voice as her eyes met his.

“Ah… I…umm “he stumbled finally averting his eyes “…ah…no”

“I didn’t think so.” she smirked and closed the door.

Probably best not to say anything now he said to himself I’ll confront her regarding her attitude later or better still tomorrow when I have more time. She really must some more respect to a man in my position.

By the time Julia re-entered the room he had judged it best not to mention it to her at all after all with Julia’s mother arriving he didn’t want to create any unnecessary quarrels with the servants.

“Rachel is such a helpful girl, don’t you think?” she said as she moved to the dressing table to insert her earrings “Very efficient and always answers her bell promptly.”

Julia’s recognition of the girl’s performance of her duties put paid to any idea of him criticising the maid.

“Yes… I suppose so.” he answered hoping his lack of enthusiasm would not be noticed.

“I’m so glad you agree.”Julia said and catching his eye in the dressing table’s mirror he feigned a smile to reassure her of his compliance with her view, satisfied he had indeed concurred, she continued  “She has proved very trustworthy, Mrs Caine speaks very highly of her and as you know I trust Mrs Caine completely. Not to mention Mother lured her away from Lady Beresford’s service so if she impressed Mother… ”

The implication was clear. There was no need for her to complete the sentence. The young man smiled weakly and nodded his head. The conversation ended with the arrival of the imposing figure of the housekeeper.

 “You sent for me Madam.” she addressed her mistress solemnly and nodding in  Vivian direction managed to bestow a genuine if patronising smile on him.

“Ah, yes Mrs Caine.” Julia said putting the final touches to her appearance in the mirror. “Has my Mother arrived yet?”

“Yes Madam, just a few moments ago.” the housekeeper replied “She is inspecting the servants.”

Vivian felt a shiver run down his spine and hoped his anxiety didn’t show on his face.

“Oh typical Mother.” Julia laughed lightly and turned to the increasingly apprehensive young man “Be a dear and zip me up.”

Vivian could feel a little heat from the nascent blush in his cheeks although having performed this task on a regular basis rarely did it in the presence of Mrs Caine. Surely it was not a man’s place to carry out such a function, this was a maid’s duty. However to refuse would only cause a scene in front of Mrs Caine and based on previous experience it would be  a confrontation he could expect to lose.

Probably best if I just comply maybe it’s not that embarrassing and Mrs Caine knows I have done it before. he silently made the case for his acquiescence . Not much point in creating a needless fuss …particularly with Mrs Richter arriving.

 However as much he tried to convince himself, his cheeks now qa deepening shade of pink did not go unnoticed by Mrs Caine. She smiled at him but not in the sneering way Rachel had, to her great credit and his comfort Mrs Caine seemed much more sympathetic to his plight as she had been on previous occasions.  Her lack of condescension and encouraging smile made his embarrassing task that much easier.

“Mother is so looking forward to seeing you again.” Julia said as he struggled slightly with the zipper “Oh do hurry Vivian I don’t want Mother to see I’m not wearing a corselette, you know how she feels about the correct foundation wear.”

He felt another degree of heat in his cheeks as the zipper reached the top of her dress and with having to be told he deftly slid the three mother of pearl buttons through their respective holes to complete the exercise.

“Now can you make sure my slip is not showing at the back.” she asked as she made a slight adjustment to the dress around her breasts and watched him in the mirror as he checked the hem.

“No darling.” she said softly “I told you how to check the hem. You won’t get a proper view standing up. Now do it correctly for heaven’s sake, I don’t want to be embarrassed by an inch of lace peeking out from under my dress.”

He caught Mrs Caine’s eye, she nodded discreetly and again gave a benevolent smile as if she understood his plight, recognising that in fact he was the one suffering embarrassment.

“Perhaps I should…”Mrs Caine suggested but Julia was adamant.

“Thank you Mrs Caine.” she replied immediately “But you still have not recovered from your back strain and besides Vivian doesn’t mind, do you dear?”

“Umm…ah… no.” he reluctantly mumbled and was forced to agree to her demand.

“Vivian is such a good boy when it comes to things like this, Mrs Caine.” Julia gushed “He does it all the time at the atelier when we’re dressing the models. Isn’t that right Vivian? Now do hurry dear.”

Both women watched him as he slowly dropped to his knees to examine the hem.

“Well…ah…yes…but…”he spluttered valiantly trying to argue his case from his kneeling position at her side.

“Yes…yes… that’s different.” Julia interrupted a little impatiently, having heard this excuse several times “Or so you like to keep telling me and yes… we all know those dresses are your creations, your work. You don’t seem to mind ensuring your precious models are perfectly dressed but not me.”

“It’s not…emm…ah… I mean…”he continued to struggle.

“Surely I’m more than just a business partner…darling?” Julia gazed down on him, her elegant features taking on a distinctly probing aspect.

Under the intense gaze of the two women he felt his brain begin to hurt.

“There you are, darling.” a familiar voice called out from across the room distracting the room’s other two occupants, much to the young man’s immense relief.

Standing in the doorway the commanding presence of Julia’s mother announced itself.

Mrs Richter’s arrival in a room was usually a cause of mild unease for Vivian not because of any animosity or grievance on either his or her part, quite the opposite in fact she was always very amicable which at certain times morphed into physical expressions of affection. Such displays of warmth towards him might be slightly embarrassing in private but as many of these took place in the workplace and often in front of the exclusively female staff they were indeed truly mortifying. On more than one occasion she insisted on hugging him close to her ample bosom which always prompted giggles from the younger women present and wistful sighs from the older ones.  Naturally he found it impossible to ask her to desist from such demonstrations of emotion as his present success was due in most part to her and Julia. Before he had even graduated from his fashion and design course in one of the country’s most reputable colleges they had spotted his talent and although his preference was to work in men’s fashion they obviously saw something in his portfolio that convinced them his future lay in designing clothes for the female form. And so he was lured  into their company by the offer of a prestigious position at their small yet renowned and exclusive fashion house which catered to society’s most powerful and wealthy women. For someone of such tender years to reach the position of associate creative director was practically unheard and he was only too aware he owed it all to these women.

It was obvious from the very beginning that mother and daughter worked extremely well together, sharing the same vision for the company, each contributing enormously in their own way. Julia, although not lacking flair for design had become increasingly motivated by the business aspect whereas her mother’s uncanny ability to anticipate fashion trends as well as her extensive contacts in society’s upper echelons were invaluable to the success of the enterprise. Their support, encouragement and belief in his talent were instrumental in producing his first collection. However they were concerned that the pressures that the attendant publicity on such a precocious and, if the truth be told, timorous young man could be extremely detrimental to his and their future.  To navigate such dangerous waters mother and daughter decided it would be best not to reveal his true identity and so the collection’s creator would simply be referred to as ‘Vivian’.   

No doubt, if he was asked his opinion the young man would have agreed but they kindly and gently explained to him that such decisions and considerations could not be left in the hands of a callow youth. He remembered the occasion extremely well when Julia was generous enough to explain it to him clearly,

“We really do know what’s best for you, Vivian.”

“Yes dear boy.” her mother agreed taking his hands in hers “Such exposure could very easily create a lot of problems and place an unnecessary burden on those very young and slender shoulders. Just look at all those bright young things that no one hears from any more. The system just ate them up and spat them out. We are only trying to protect you.”

 Indeed he knew the industry was littered with these names whose reputations had burned brightly for a season then disappeared without trace. He could not allow that to happen and surrendered to their wise counsel.

Although at times he did feel a little smothered by their overly protective attitude he had to concede that every decision they had made for him was the correct one. The list of positives was solid. He had a wonderful job, had creative freedom, well, except when Mrs Richter suggested some minor alterations to a sketch or two which in retrospect may well have being the correct decision. His salary was good but then as a student he was not used to much, so anything above a student’s meagre allowance would have seemed like a fortune. And as a bonus Julia insisted that he stay, gratis, at her large and luxurious townhouse.

Of course there were some downsides.

 Both women felt that at this early and crucial stage of his career he should have few distractions and be completely focused on work. His mentors had informed him very early in their relationship that socialising would be kept to a minimum and any fraternisation outside of the atelier or Julia’s house would be strictly controlled by them. Purely for his own good, of course. That’s not to say he was kept prisoner it was more a case of when he was allowed outside he would be accompanied by both women and as he immediately discovered this meant on every trip he was always nestled snugly between them. Naturally this was to ensure he came to no harm and avoided unnecessary distractions. There were other aspects of his new life that he also found slightly oppressive, a prime example being his clothes. He rarely got to choose what he wanted to wear, either Julia or her mother dictated what he wore on a daily basis. The rationale being he now had such a prominent role in a respected fashion house he should dress the part. Invariably these garments were a little to feminine for his liking, satin shirts that were styled more like a blouse than a shirt and high waisted, wide legged trousers that could easily have been mistaken something worn by Katherine Hepburn or Greta Garbo. Like any red-blooded male he protested, although ‘protested’ may be overstating his reaction it was probably more a quietly reasoned plea that just like any other young man he should choose his own clothes. Suffice to say he was politely listened to before being told his attire for the day had been laid out on the bed by one of the housemaids. Day after day his petitions fell on deaf ears, eventually noticing their irritation at his constant beseeching or as they put it ‘incessant whining’ he did not wish to incur further displeasure and surrendered, accepting their jurisdiction over his choice of attire.

The outfit he wore today illustrated his predicament perfectly. A dusty rose pink pant suit with very wide legs, the matching jacket had three quarter sleeves underneath which, what he considered to be too close to being a camisole but Julia insisted was a manly shirt albeit in satin. And as if that wasn’t bad enough she insisted he wear the expensive gift she had given him for his birthday, a pearl choker, which was what she said all the fashionable young men in Paris and Milan were wearing. Adding insult to injury the pants were too long and he had to wear heels to ensure the ends did not come into contact with the floor. It was a dreadfully embarrassing outfit for a young man although he had to admit , it did draw admiring glances from the housemaids and Mrs Caine was particularly effusive in her compliments commenting not many males could carry-off such a fashion statement. It was only when Julia suggested a little light foundation as he appeared a little too pale for the colour that he finally asserted his masculinity. Perhaps ‘asserted’ is a tad too strong but he did plead as firmly yet politely as possible that foundation could be possibly be considered a little feminine. Julia could see he was upset and didn’t want him crying when her mother was due to arrive so she conceded regarding the foundation hut did insist that he at least wear a tinted moisturiser which after she applied it he had to admit did improve his appearance. Having made his point in what he considered was a measured manly way, he allowed Julia to apply a little tinted lip balm but only because she said his lips were slightly chaffed.

Naturally like any young man he found these aspects of his life restrictive and suffocating and there were other equally limiting features. However with the success he had achieved he quickly realised the freedom and resources he now had to give full expression to his creativity far outweighed these strictures.

He also came to appreciate that both women, although a little overbearing had his best interests at heart and however oppressive and bossy they appeared he had to concede they did mean well. However that was not to say that he felt overly comfortable in Mrs Richter’s company, she was a woman that valued loyalty and obedience above all else but once one understood and complied with this she could and would be most generous and supportive.  Indeed even Julia had to tread carefully when proposing a contrarian view to her mother’s on any matter and in the relatively short time Vivian had been with them he had discovered  that deference was essential to avoid the matriarch’s ire. Yes, subjugation to her on all issues was a necessary requirement for a quiet life and he soon discovered taking this option meant that apart from business and design meetings he did not have to spend much time in her company. In the last few weeks and very much to his great relief he had barely laid eyes on her and as a result began to feel a little more self-assured to the point where he persuaded Julia to allow him to choose his own clothes two days a week.

Regarding Mrs Richter, absence did not make Vivian’s heart grow fonder- merely relieved.

That reprieve had now come to an end as the room echoed to rich and sonorous tones, announcing the arrival of Mrs Constance Richter. These unwelcome sounds not only filled Julia’s bedroom but also filled Vivian with growing sense of apprehension which was accompanied by a now familiar slight tremble in his knees. His hiatus of calmness and budding self-confidence was about to be disrupted. He always compared a meeting with Mrs Richter to encounters he’s had with the headmistress of his school or any one of his maiden aunts- the recognition that he was in the presence of authority and had to be on his best behaviour. This middle aged matron exuded authority from the top of her immaculate coiffure to the tips of her impeccably polished three inch court shoes so it was quite easy to understand why the very thought of agency never occurred to him.

Now as he tried to contain his mounting unease he suddenly wished he had gone to the bathroom earlier.

As she approached he moved away from Julia knowing that her mother would embrace her before turning her attention to him. His brain frantically tried to find an excuse to leave before being pulled into her orbit, from previous experience this was a place from which he knew would be extremely difficult to escape.

Perhaps I’ll say I have some drawings to finish. A plan began to formulate inside in brain and such was his concentration it was only when her arms enveloped him that he realised what had happened.

“My darling boy.” she gushed, her ample bosom pressing into his chest and his right cheek gently kissed by her pouting pink lips before she transferred them to his left one. “It has been far too long, I have missed you terribly.”

Loosening her arms ever so slightly she smiled and allowed him to withdraw a little from her tender yet surprisingly firm grasp however the space she granted was not enough for him to liberate himself entirely from her embrace. Ensnared and with no hope of release he knew what was required of him and cringed inside before returning the gesture. Taller than him by a few inches he had to lift  himself up on his toes raising one leg behind him as he did so  before kissing her cheek and having to hold on to her broad shoulders to keep himself steady. In doing so he fell into her and could feel her substantial brassiere press into him.

 He returned her gesture and kissed her on both cheeks, she took the opportunity to hold him tightly to her breasts yet again time before eventually relaxing her arms allowing him to remove himself from her bosom.

“Really Mother!” Julia broke the silence with an irritated gasp “I’m running late and Vivian was helping me dress. You can have him to yourself once I have finished with him.”

Vivian felt somewhat conflicted and not a little irritated. A distinct sense of annoyance welled up inside at been spoken about as if he was a mere servant yet simultaneously he was more than relieved that he now had the excuse he required  to escape Mrs Richter’s vice like grip.

“Come here Vivian.” Julia instructed impatiently in a tone that he immediately recognised was usually reserved for the housemaids however he was far too relieved at his escape from her mother’s suffocating arms to even contemplate reproaching her. Not that he ever had managed to summon the courage or temerity to do so.

“Before you two begin to get reacquainted and start your cosy little conversation,” Julia sighed sarcastically as he approached “I would greatly appreciate if you could finish checking my hem?”

A little shamefaced, he felt the eyes of the women on him as he once more knelt at her feet and resumed his task. He knew from experience that she would insist on more than a cursory inspection and confined to his demeaning position he burned with humiliation as he carefully checked the dress to ensure the black lace of her slip was at least two inches above the hem.

“Darling, I still don’t understand why you do not employ a lady’s maid.” her mother said as he continued to scrutinise the hem before helpfully drawing his attention to her daughter’s shoes “Oh Vivian, I think there is a smudge on the heel of the right one.”

Mrs Caine was on hand to offer him her a small cloth to remove the offending blemish.

“Not very satisfactory Madam, I will speak to the housemaid in question.” Mrs Canine said sombrely noting the smudge and looking a little vexed, as Vivian began to rise she looked down on him and added with a smile “Would you be so kind as to check there are no other smears on Madam’s shoes, Mister Vivian.”

Vivian’s shame only increased as he immediately recognised the ghastly contradiction of being addressed as a superior yet performing the duty of a housemaid.

“Such a diligent boy.” Mrs Richter gushed “I just wish my own maid was as attentive to her duties.”

Speaking of same Mother, where is your maid?” Julia asked before addressing Vivian in what he considered a vaguely patronising voice “You may get up now, dear.”

“So unobtrusive and quiet.” Julia’s mother smiled at him, her eyes glazing over in unmistakable admiration.

Mother?” Julia spoke sharply and rousing her mother from her almost trance like adoration.

“Oh…yes darling… my maid…” Mrs Richter stumbled back into the present “She had to leave suddenly, a family crisis I believe.”

“That’s the second lady’s maid you have lost in less than a year.” Julia responded with a sardonic smile “I wonder why?”

“Yes, most unfortunate.” her mother answered “I suppose some girls are just not suited to the role. A lady’s maid should display certain qualities…be unassuming in nature, almost inconspicuous, obedient, not be too talkative.”

“Indeed, Madam.” Mrs Caine proffered her opinion “As you said previously, unobtrusive and quiet. Admirable and essential qualities in a lady’s maid.”

“Nothing worse than a chatterbox of a girl, Mrs Caine” Mrs Richter agreed.

Vivian was beginning to feel most uncomfortable and a little confused, although not explicated stated he sensed he had been assessed as having similar traits of an ideal lady’s maid. Once more he began to experience his cheeks warm with a mixture of shame and anger but despite his embarrassment it was obvious from the tone of her voice and the genuineness of her smile that there was no slight or offence intended. He realised she actually meant this affront to his masculinity as a compliment. There   As the atmosphere was amicable and none of the women seemed to find Mrs Richter’s observation odd or unusual Vivian decided not to disturb the room’s relaxed ambiance. He reasoned that if he ignored her remarks he may blend into the background and quietly escape.

“Yes I know I have had difficulties with servants recently but these girls were perhaps a bit too young, inexperienced and lacking in certain key aspects required of a lady’s maid.” Mrs Richter began to expound “But I suppose I have very high standards however I’m certain the right girl will eventually come along.  Once properly trained they are a a wonderful asset for any woman in our social position. You really should think seriously about it, Julia.”

Julia frowned and rolled her eyes which her mother ignored and much to Vivian’s alarm stubbornly returned to the subject.

  “Vivian may not always be available.”

“Oh do stop fussing Mother.” Julia answered “I do not need a personal maid, I feel far more comfortable with Vivian assisting me dress and besides we use the time to discuss various projects and latest trends. Isn’t that right Vivian?”

The young man suddenly became the focus of the three women’s attention and he felt his embarrassment suddenly replaced with deep anxiety.

“Emm...ah…I...” he stumbled unsure how to respond before quickly deciding agreement would make his retreat easier. “Ah…I …yes…I suppose we do talk things over.”

“There, Mother.” Julia announced delighted at having triumphed over her mother. “Now can we finally dispense with your obsession of the need for me to employ a lady’s maid?”

This was yet another occasion where Vivian felt extremely conflicted. Mrs Richter strongly suggesting he had all the attributes of a lady’s maid was not only embarrassing but for some reason made him extremely nervous. Yet frequently having to assist Julia dress was very demeaning, after all he said silently to himself, what red-blooded man would want to do what really should be done by a maid?

“I’m only saying…”her mother began before Julia interrupted her with an irritated raised hand.


“Oh all right darling.” Mrs Richter sighed, finally conceding to her daughter and turned to Vivian with a smile “Such a charming and versatile boy, you are. It’s no wonder Julia doesn’t want a lady’s maid. She wants you all to herself.”

His pink cheeks now turned crimson.

“Oh dear I think I may have embarrassed you Vivian.” she smiled apologetically and kissed him on the cheek seeking his forgiveness. A gesture that only served to increase his discomfort.

“I really have to leave now Mother.” Julia said in a slightly agitated voice, clearly impatient to depart and yet issue various instructions. “Make sure you go through Vivian’s latest sketches and speak to Violetta in Milan about the autumn show. Oh and don’t forget to contact Vogue and our spread in the next issue and also…”

“Yes, yes…of course darling, I’m sure it’s all in your diary.” the older woman replied  a little distractedly as she eyed her protégé,  Julia checked herself one last time in the mirror before she moved  towards Vivian, embracing and kissing him affectionately  on the cheek.

“Now take very good care of our darling boy, Mother.” she said kissing him again before repeating the gesture with her mother.

“But…ah…could I? Maybe…”Vivian struggled to compose his thoughts and clutched tightly on to Julia’s hand.

“Oh don’t you worry your pretty little head darling.” Mrs Richter said sliding her arm around his shoulder and pulling him a little close and as she did so he felt Julia’s hand slip from his grip. “Vivian and I get along wonderfully, I’ll treat him as if he was my own daughter… oh silly me … I mean my own son. Now you’d better hurry or you will miss your flight.”

Vivian, now once more secured in Mrs Richter’s grasp, let out a slight whimper as he watched Julia leave the room her perfume lingering in her wake.

“I’m sure you’re disappointed you can’t accompany her.” Mrs Richter said in a consoling voice and pulled him even closer “But I’m delighted, we haven’t seen one another for almost two weeks and I’ve really missed you. Now we can have some quality time together.”

Vivian felt he had to reciprocate her beaming smile but wasn’t quite sure why he was suddenly experiencing an even more intense feeling of unease.

“Miss Julia has left Madam.” Mrs Caine announced as she re-entered the room and began tidying Julia’s dressing table “Rachel has put your luggage in your room. As you do not have a lady’s maid will I instruct her to unpack Madam, and help you undress for your shower?”

“No Mrs Caine that will not be necessary.” Mrs Richter said and smiled once more at the young man and drew him even closer.

Mere yards away the open door of the bedroom beckoned but the tightening grip of Julia’s mother ensured it would never be reached, at least not alone.






  1. At the risk of sounding like Oliver Twist: Please Sir, I want some more!!!

    Your biggest Winnipeg fan,

  2. No need whatsoever to apologize for any delay in continuing LLD. Your latest addition, "Nurturing Talent" was delightful! As always, thank you so very much for your wonderful tales - and now I will look forward to LLD whenever you have the time, energy and artistic urge to continue.

  3. Thank you for another great story Carrie.

    Julia and her mother both seem like very fine, self possessed women. I look forward to reading about them.

    I like Vivians character too but I definitely think he'd do well in the company of the aforementioned ladies. He speaks of "feeling a little smothered by their overly protective attitude", ahem "overly",it seems to me he receives the ideal amount of protection from them, he almost says it himself. If that protection requires smothering then smothering it is.

    There were many other things I liked such as how Julia persuaded Vivian to where tinted lip balm, him trapped between them when they go outside or how he's reminded of his headmistress or many maiden aunts.
    Would I be right in presuming those aunts took a special interest in him?

    I hope you're well Carrie.


  4. Glad you liked the story Elis.

    Many thanks Wendy, appreciate your support as always, I left it hanging a little more than I wanted to so I’ll try to finish it at some stage.

    Thank you also Jennisissy I’m delighted you enjoyed it and I greatly appreciate your understanding, I’ve returned to LLD but due to various commitments it’s a stop and start effort but hopefully I’ll get a decent run at it and be able to post something in a few weeks.

    So good to hear from you again Charlie, and it’s great to know you too enjoyed it. Yes his mentors (although I suspect they feel the relationship is a little more than that) are most protective of our hero .And why wouldn’t they? An ingénue of tender years suddenly finding himself the centre of attention not only in the fashion world but also in this house full of women. Julia, like her mother, has his interests at heart and naturally wants him to look his best and a little make –up does wonders for a lady’s confidence so naturally the same should apply to her young, innocent protégé.

    His aunts? Oh yes I’m sure they were equally enamoured with him and were bitterly disappointed when he finally managed (against their wishes no doubt) to escape …I mean head out in to the world with no one to look after him.

    I’m keeping well Charlie and hopefully you are also.

    Thanks to all again I greatly appreciate you taking the time to comment, it means a lot.

    Take care

  5. Thank you Lupe, really glad you liked it.
