Tuesday, 16 August 2022

Foundations of Humiliation

 I'd hoped to have another short story completed by now but for several reasons  still find myself unable to focus for any length of time. However I have about 50% of a story written , I need to get my brain in gear and finish it but right now writing a grocery list is difficult.

So, once more I've had to post an illustration in lieu of a story. I know it's a cliche but every picture really does tell a story. My caption is only my interpretation of what's happening in these images. Readers will have their own version. I've also revamped an old one and given it new text.

It was mentioned to me before that readers may find these captions difficult or at the very least not easy to read. Fortunately, I received an offer of help on that front. So, my thanks and appreciation to Jennifer for taking the time and effort to make these more readable and hopefully more enjoyable for readers.

Take care 



  1. Carrie - I wish you the Best. Plaese take care of yourself first.
    Thinking of you

  2. Thank you Jamie, that really means a lot and I appreciate it so much. C

  3. I just found your site by accident looking around Bea’s old site and have devoured all your work. So good and so, well, arousing. You have a gift. Thank you for sharing it. Ellen B

  4. Literally every day I come to this site hoping to see something other than "A Perfect Fit" but am sadly disappointed...approaching 3 months now. I have gone back and reread your earlier stories but now I need something new. If your health is poor then I apologize for my selfishness and wish you well. Perhaps you could just post the 50% of the next story that you had already completed?
