Wednesday, 29 January 2025

New Image - A Slip of a Boy


It has been a while since I’ve posted anything so I’m surprised that there are still people visiting the blog, thank you for your patience.

I am now hopeful that I may have turned a corner with regard to the problems that have plagued me for the last 2 years, they are not completely resolved, but at least I'm in a better place now than 6 weeks ago. Thankfully, this has had a positive effect on my mental health and I have begun a new story but it will probably be another few weeks before I can post anything. I'm completely out of touch and my concentration levels are still not where they should be so it will take me a while to feel my way back into writing.

In the meantime I have managed to do some images but still had difficulty in composing a caption- so thanks to Jennifer for the text on the image below- A Slip of a Boy. There is a story in here somewhere but it will take me a while to figure it out. 

I'll change the one on the blog's header with a new one  in a few weeks.

Finally, thank you to everyone who posted messages/comments of support over the last 2 years, you have no idea how much this means to me, it was invaluable and kept me going. Hopefully I can repay you with a half decent story.

Take care 




  1. You shouldn't be surprised to have faithful followers. Your stories are captivating and it's great news that you're picking up your pen again.

  2. carrie. so happy you're better. tom

  3. Hi Poppy , thank you for your kind words and the vote of confidence, it is greatly appreciated hopefully I’ll be able to justify it in a few weeks.

    Thank you Tom, for your good wishes, I’m really grateful, it was a long time coming and hopefully I’ve turned a corner.
    Take care

  4. After two weeks of a flu-induced fog the sun broke through today for me with new art from one of my favorite artists, but more significantly, accompanied by a message that a two-year fog is lifting from said artist! What great news!
    Thanks to Jennifer for the clever caption accompanying the art. Apparently, slips are too feminine to be favored by the modern woman. I hope they don't disappear from this page.
    Thanks again,

  5. Dear Jnynj
    Sorry to hear about your recent flu episode- several members of my family have had it recently and it has taken weeks for them to recover properly, one has not yet recovered his sense of taste, So good to know you’re on the mend.
    Thank you for your kind words and, as ever, your support, the last two years have not been pleasant and brought me more distress than I have ever experienced. Although I’m not yet out of the woods my situation has improved immeasurably and as my concentration and focus are also slowly improving, I’m gradually getting back to writing but it’s slow. I’d hoped to be able to post some by the end of Feb but I’ve had to rewrite large chunks of the draft so it may take a little longer than expected.
    So glad you liked the last image, yes slips are incredibly erotic and it’s sad that women don’t wear them much any more- they really don’t know what they are missing.
    Take care and thanks again for your best wishes.
