Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Ideas for Amongst Women Chapter 5 and other thoughts

I have to assume that if anyone is reading this they’ve come by way of Bea’s blog. I contribute more to Petticoat Discipline Monthly and Bea’s than my own, don’t really know why -might have to change that. Now that I’ve published Chapter 5 of Amongst Women on Bea’s blog the search for ideas for the final Chapter begins. I also have to assume if you’re reading this then you’ve read Chapter 4 and are familiar with the misfortunate Jack and his tormentors or should that be tormentresses  – probably spelt it wrong – anyhoo the poor boy is about to find out who the voice ringing the bell is.

At this point it’s all wide open. All his tormentors are in the frame and I still haven’t decided but there is one frontrunner and I’ll have to choose soon if I’m ever to start. Obviously most chapters start with a blank sheet but what’s a bit scary is and I don’t know if this is true for other people  - but it is for me – my mind is a blank as well. Right now I have no idea where this story is going or more importantly where it will end.

What is great though and I mean this most sincerely I’m truly grateful to everyone who has commented on the story( and also the previous Rose and Jack strand) particularly Lucky Girl and Dave Bishop who have given me wonderful encouragement. Dave in particular is rigorous in his comments which I really like. I’m just sorry the Anon. commenters don’t sign their name so I could thank them personally. It does mean a lot to me.

I had to check something for the last chapter in one of my previous post’s on Bea’s blog- Maids and Mistresses – and came across the only comment which was  left by Lucky Girl. It was fascinating and has more than a ring of truth about it and if LG is reading this thanks for the comment I really enjoyed reading about your experiences the only pity is that you didn’t share them wide the wider readership.

Again probably talking to myself here but I think it would be great if Bea’s readers commented on any aspect of CD/TV issues whether it is difficulties coming to terms with it or your celebration of our little foibles- whatever. When it started Bea held forth on a wide range of issues and the stories were an add on – well for me at least, although most probably thought they were the main attraction. His experiences of growing up and coping with  guilt, shame etc were an eye opener and I was absorbed by them. Anyway what I’m long windingly saying is I wish people would open up a bit and use the blog for exchanging experiences as well as stories, I reckon it would be more interesting than just reading stories.

Right time to get off the soapbox and start coming up with ideas for the final chapter. If anyone has ideas or suggestions let me know. Don’t be shy you can either comment here on what you feel about it or e mail me.

Take care



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