Friday, 7 March 2014

New Story - Maybe?

I haven’t contributed to this blog for some time partly because I was otherwise engaged in writing the Jack and Rose and Amongst Women pieces for Bea’s blog and partly because I’ve been feeling down since Dec and probably suffering from mild depression due to various things going on or more to the point not going on in my life but I won’t bore any reader chancing upon this blog with the details. I’ve never suffered from this before and it ain’t nice but at least I’ve recognised it and hopefully will shake it off. Being in the depth of a cold damp Irish winter didn't help but it’s  March so hopefully  things will pick up along with the weather.

I’ve also finished contributing to Petticoat Discipline Monthly mainly due to above but the absence of feedback may also have been a contributing factor.

OK Enough of that shit.

Anyway the reason I’m posting this is to let any stray reader who may have washed up  here via Bea’s blog or PDQ and  were interested in my scribblings like Rose and Jack and Amongst Women might be interested to know I’ve started a new story/serial. I’ve written about 6000 words which is about 1 episode of R&J but am reluctant to post it immediately as the more I’m thinking about as a long term project I may need to revise the beginning so as not to screw up future chapters.

The J&R/AW stories took up a lot of energy and time and the reason I’m not keen on posting this one on Bea’s blog is the pressure to post each chapter within a certain time frame. I notice some reader(s) of LG’s continuation of AW on Bea's blog are making similar noises.

The lack of readership here means I don’t have that kind of pressure although I wouldn’t mind some feedback just to see if readers like it.

So hopefully I’ll be in a position to post something in the next week or so.

1 comment:

  1. That's it. That's how I found you guys. Girls? I was looking at the Petticoat Discipline site, gathering stories to read, when I found some of Bea's and your stories. Thought they were very interesting. Nothing like I had ever read before. The only problem I had was with the typing and punctuation errors. I am having a bit of trouble finding Rose and Jackie part 4. Perhaps I will just Google it. Again well done, would love to see the movie on the big screen, as they say, instead of the one in my mind.
