Wednesday, 23 December 2015

A New Maid for Rozamund?

A Happy, Safe and Peaceful Christmas to All.

As I mentioned in the last post I had started a story about Rozamund’s background and her introduction to feminising the male sex unfortunately I could not get it finished in time to post here so a captioned image will have to suffice.

Thanks to all who visited the blog throughout the year and particularly those who were kind enough to comment and tick the more/interesting box. I’m really glad you like this type of material. I’ll try to keep it going for as long as I think people find it interesting or entertaining.

If some readers want to contribute anything, a short story, serial, an illustration or art – anything at all in any language e mail me and if it fits with the spirit of the blog I’ll post it.

I started writing because most of the material I saw on the internet, with the exception of Bea’s  and a few others, did not interest me. So you can blame him for the stuff I produce. The point I’m making is if I can do it anyone can, so if you want a platform contact me and we can discuss it.  

Take care and hopefully I’ll be able to post something in January.
