Sunday, 30 April 2023



It's been a while, just over four months to be precise and I hope that readers that still visit the blog are healthy and well.

Circumstances made it difficult for me to write anything and I'm still not sure if I can produce much worth reading but in the last few weeks I have made an effort to write something. If I do complete the piece it will be very short but at least it's a start. Hopefully there will be a few still readers interested.

In the meantime I've reworked some old images and am working on a few more as well as some new ones.

My thanks to Jennie for inserting the text in a more readable format than I could ever have done.

Below in an old re worked image which might make an interesting story  if I ever get around to it.

Take care 



  1. So good to see you back! I’ve been checking in from time to time to see if you were about, and it’s excellent to hear that you are recovering. Your wonderful stories are very much missed.

  2. Welcome back Carrie Darling.
    You have been a naughty girl to leave us worrying about you for months. And you know what happens to naughty girls.
    Love and best wishes Geraldine

  3. Dear Anon
    Thank you so much for your kind words I greatly appreciate them. It has been a rough few months and the next few will not be pleasant either but there are signs of a crack in the clouds and as Leonard Cohen says – that’s where the light gets in. Thank you again Anon your comment means a lot.

    Take care

  4. Geraldine- so good to hear from you again and sorry to have you worrying but, and this sounds strange, I thank you for it. Your comment made me smile and believe me that hasn’t happened very often over the last few months. Naughty girl indeed- Oh where are those formidable matrons when we need them?
    Thank you again, your words are such a great help.
    I’ve started a short story and if I can get my head out of my arse in the next few weeks I may be able to finish it.
    Take care


  5. You have been missed by many of us. At least you 're okay. That's what is most important to all of us.

  6. Carrie, you need to take your head out of your ass and put your #4 buttplug back in!

  7. Dear Anon, that’s really very kind of you and I greatly appreciate your concern. I think it will still take a while but hopefully I’ll get there. Carrie

  8. Dear Anon, re butt plug. Another smile(and maybe a wince) thanks.
    Yes, that butt plug is always a problem, actually that is what I was doing up there. Carrie
