Tuesday, 4 July 2023

A Mutual Understanding- new (very) short story with Illustration.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        At the time of my last post I thought my situation had improved enough to allow me to at least write semi- regularly however, events in my life have proved me wrong yet again. 

I'm struggling and once again not in a good place. The story posted below is very short and under normal circumstances would have taken 3-4 weeks, it eventually took me 4 months to complete.  

Thank you to the readers who were kind enough to comment on my last post, I greatly appreciate it.

I'm really unsure if/when I will be able to get my head together to post another story( strange I get inspiration all the time but cannot focus) but I will try to post some illustration at the top of this blog.

Hopefully Jennie who has helped in formatting the text will be able to help.

Take care of yourselves. 


A Mutual Understanding.








“I do hope you won’t be offended Caroline.” Amelia said, eyeing her friend in the mirror above the mantelpiece as she retouched her make-up, “But you appear to have a talent for engaging the most...shall I say ...unusual domestic servants.”

Caroline laughed lightly at her friend’s remark but before she could speak Amelia continued,

“I thought she was going to faint when I complimented her on her figure.”

“I was going to say odd.” Georgina, her other friend added somewhat distractedly, her concentration focused on adjusting the garters on her girdle. “Even with the current servant problem surely there was someone more suitable. The girl looks as if she’s frightened of her own shadow. I thought she was going to keel over when she opened the door to us. She legd were visibly trembling.”

“I recall your last girl seemed to be more of a dairy maid than a housemaid, such stout legs and she had a voice like a foghorn.” Amelia said as she put the finishing touches to her lipstick “Although I must say this one is far shapelier, she fits into her uniform much better, she’s obviously well girdled.”

“How very observant of you, darling.” Caroline replied somewhat sarcastically as she began fitting her earrings. “You always had an eye for a pleasing figure.”

“At least the girl is wearing the appropriate uniform.” Georgina answered with a smirk “Unlike some households I could mention. “

“That’s most unfair Georgina.” Amelia answered defensively “You know how difficult it is these days to get girls to wear a cap and apron as part of their uniform. They feel it beneath them to be properly attired the way a housemaid should. Our mothers would not tolerate such lax standards.”

“True.” her friend sighed with a slight weariness as she smoothed her sstockings.“But there was ample supply of servant girls in our mothers’ day and they had little difficulty acquiring domestics. I suppose we all have to make some compromises these days. Although, it seems Caroline’s new girl doesn’t seem to mind wearing a uniform. How did you manage it, darling?”

“I suppose you could call it luck.” Caroline admitted with a smile, turning her head to admire her ruby earrings in the mirror before ringing the servants’ bell. “I’ll tell you all about it later but we really do need to dress for dinner or we will be late.”

“Oh you are not going to fob us off that easily, darling.” Amelia said glancing at the clock “We have plenty of time, our gowns are laid out and our make-up is done.”

“Luck?” Georgina repeated, with a quizzical look.

 Before Caroline could answer the door frame creaked and a figure partially hidden by the door appeared, the face under a maid’s cap appeared startled at the sight of the three women in various stages of undress. 

“Oh do come in girl!” Georgina said impatiently “we’re not going to bite you.”

“Don’t frighten the girl, Georgina.” Amelia chided her friend before smiling at the obviously alarmed servant “Come in girl, we only want help dressing.”

A low whine drifted across the room.

Caroline moved to the door and eased the maid inside and she guided them both to the bed where her friends stood.

“No need to be nervous, my dear,” Amelia addressed the clearly anxious servant “your mistress tells us you have entered her service through luck.”

The maid’s gaze fell to the floor.

“Yes luck.” Caroline said softly taking her maid’s hands in hers. “Unfortunately, bad luck for you,  good luck for me. But there is no need to be ashamed.”

“Bad luck... good luck... ashamed...” Georgina blurted in an exasperated voice “Will you please tell us what is going on?”

“You see my new maid had a most unfortunate run of bad luck at the card table on a recent visit to a private club and was unable to meet the debt. It was even more unfortunate for him that it was Mother that the debt was owed to. However, to make a very long story short she did agree to accept the IOU.” Caroline explained to her friends as the maid’s hands began tugging in an agitated manner at the pristine starched white apron. 

“Ah...I see now.” Amelia said.

Georgina nodded her understanding and smiled sympathetically at the maid.

 “It culminated in quite a sizable figure which William was unable to pay in full. So he came to a mutual understanding with Mother, isn’t that right my dear?”

“ W...Will... William...did we hear you correctly, Caroline.” Amelia and Georgina exclaimed in unison as they moved closer to the increasingly red faced figure. Did you say... William?”

Caroline smiled and merely nodded. The maid’s face grew puce, and it was obvious that he desperately wanted to flee but Caroline had a firm grip of his wrist. The thought also ran through his mind, where would he run to?

“Caroline, you mean to tell us this creature is a male?” Georgina was the first to speak as she lifted placed a finger under the chin of the shamed-faced young man and lifted his head.

“Well, he was quite effeminate to begin with.” Caroline said “But yes I suppose anatomically, he is male.”

“But... his figure?” Amelia asked as her hands cupped his bosom.

“Soft artificial breast forms but as Mother has discovered, he does have potential in that area.” Caroline explained and as Georgina’s hands began exploring the maid’s waist, she added “As you correctly spotted, he is tightly girdled so his feminine shape is the result of rigid and sturdy foundations. Mother was most helpful in choosing these.”

“A male maid. How utterly delicious!” Georgina trilled, her voice quivering with obvious excitement as she continued to probe the young man with her piercing grey eyes and, much to the maid’s embarrassment, eager hands.

“I find this hard to believe Caroline.”  Amelia spoke quietly, her expression clearly indicated her incredulity, her eyes fixed on the figure in front of her. “I really must see for myself.”

“Your scepticism is understandable.” Caroline replied and gestured towards the maid.  By all means inspect him yourself.”

Georgina lifted the maid’s skirt to reveal a pink satin slip with a deep black lace hem.

“Very pretty.” Amelia said as she lifted the slip to reveal a white long- legged girdle which reached almost to the maid’s knees, a wide satin panel extended from the crotch to the top of the girdle just under the ribcage.

Apart a slight drooping of the shoulders and an almost inaudible sob, the object of their inspection remained perfectly still and quiet as the examination continued.

“He doesn’t seem to mind being inspected.”  Amelia asked, looking for a reaction.

“No, he is quite docile now.”Caroline confirmed her friend’s opinion. “Mother quickly put a stop to any of his masculine histrionics. I told him to expect the examination once I had told you of our arrangement.”

“I think you are trying to make fun of us Caroline.” Georgina interrupted, her hand moving over the satin covered pubic area. “It looks perfectly normal for a female, a bit fleshy perhaps but many girls have excess fatty tissue on their mons pubis. I can discern no disgusting male bulge.”

“Try underneath” Caroline helpfully suggested with a smile.

“Ah...yes” Amelia said as she located the object of her interest “ I can feel the little thing now, it’s actually twitching as I touch it. Georgina, you really must inspect this.” Amelia called out to her friend, her voice  brimming with excitement.

Georgina stood in front of him and looking him directly in the eyes, slipped her hand between his legs. He could no longer retrain himself and he began to sob,  his knees trembled as the women’s hands reached between his legs.

“Oh do stop blubbering.” Caroline admonished him “Or I will give you something to cry about.”

 “I can feel something, but it’s so small and well hidden, it’s barely discernible.” Georgina said, clearly surprised as her hand continued to stroke the almost negligible protuberance “But, it’s definitely nothing a woman would have.”

“He is doubly girdled to firmly secure the ghastly male organ in such a way that it ensures a smooth feminine outline.” Caroline explained. “Now that you have established my new maid’s sex can we now get dressed?”  Caroline said, gesturing her friends to retreat to allow her maid to compose himself.

“Well, when I said your maid was odd, I’d meant a little peculiar.” Georgina said, now gently examining the maid’s buttocks with her hand. “We really had no idea ‘she’ was a male.”

“Yes.” Amelia agreed “Granted, his gait is a little inelegant but we do have friends in our circle that are more ungainly.”

“And more masculine” Georgina volunteered “Take Maria Glostrop for example, next to her this girl...young man, I should say, seems like a ballerina.”

Georgina stood in front of the red faced maid whose head had dropped and a single tear had begun to trickle down his face. She placed her forefinger under his chin and raised his face to meet hers.

“Mmm...now that I look at you closely, I can see traces of masculinity...well, I suppose... of sorts.” she said “But your make-up and delicate features disguise this extremely well.

“Mother can take credit for that also.” Caroline said.

“Did I hear my name being mentioned?” A voice called out from the other side of the room. “Nothing bad I hope.”

A statuesque, matronly figure had silently entered and was making her way across the room. Georgina  and Amelia moved to her and she kissed both on either cheek.

“I see you have met our new maid.” she said impassively as she adjusted the apron straps of the maid to her satisfaction. Her brow furrowed slightly as she added in a more officious tone “Have I not told you girl, to ensure your apron straps are properly aligned.”

“Yes Madam.” The maid answered in a faltering voice and curtsied. “I’m sorry, Madam.”

“Oh my...did you see Georgina?” Amelia blurted, a new level of excitement injected into her voice.“He curtsies.”

“Oh my...how wonderful.” Georgina sighed with admiration.

“I take it he passed the test Caroline?” her mother said.

“Yes Mother.” her daughter answered. “The girls thought he was just an awkward, gauche girl, new to domestic service.”

“Quite an accurate description.”  the older woman laughed and addressed her maid with a stern expression “What are you William?”

“An awkward, gauche girl, Madam” he repeated without hesitation, his face betraying a combination of unease and shame.

“But I’m sure we will soon change that. Don’t you agree, dear boy?” Caroline’s mother asked, her voice softening.

“Yes Madam.” he replied immediately and obviously thought it best to curtsy for good measure, his eyes remained lowered, his growing discomfort quite evident as he performed the ignominious act.

 “It appears he is half way there.” Georgina sniggered “He had us fooled.”

“Mmm...perhaps.” Caroline’s mother mused as her eyes scanned the increasingly nervous in front of her.

“We thought the girl...a little nervous, bashful.” Amelia added her voice a mixture of surprise and curiosity, “ As we said awkward and gauche, but never once considered a uniformed housemaid to be male. He really does look the part, ungainly and a halting gait perhaps but I’m sure that can be corrected.”

It took several seconds before Caroline’s mother gathered her thoughts and spoke.

“I suppose I do have very high standards.” she said eventually and made a slight adjustment to his lace cap. “But perhaps you are right he doesn’t look entirely out of place and I suppose he has improved since he first entered service.”

As she fidgeted once more with his apron straps before  looking him in the eyes.

“Do you think you are making progress William?” she asked.

He was suddenly conscious of the quietness in the room and the four women’s eyes fixed on him. It was a dreadful question. A negative answer would surely mean greater hardship, hours of extra and relentless training, such a response would also no doubt embarrass this powerful matron in front of her daughter and her friends. It would mean she had failed.  He dreaded to think what that would mean. For far lesser offenses or breaches of her rules he had already experienced the humiliation of being draped over her knees with his uniform skirt raised and being lectured in the reasons for his punishment. The mandatory six strokes were less painful than the shame and mortification he felt.  It was something he wished to avoid at all costs.

He felt a lump in his throat, instantly recognising it as the male pride he was about to swallow.

“Oh yes, Madam.” he said eagerly, desperate to sound as convincing as possible.

He had learned the hard way that wallowing in self-pity because of his new and unfortunate circumstances would only make a bad situation worse.  It did not take long to discover eagerness and enthusiasm were rewarded or at the very least lessened the threat of being upbraided or even worse, a humiliating encounter with the hairbrush.

 “Good girl.” she beamed rewarding him with a smile and patting him tenderly on his cheek.

Georgina and Amelia clapped like excited circus seals, emitting squeals of approval and proclaimed their admiration in glowing terms for the older woman and her reluctant maidservant.

Inside, he cringed with mortification but knew if such a display of emotion was expressed in his face he would face the consequences.

A practiced smile formed around his lips and he could see that this was warmly received by his tutor. He took some small satisfaction  that he was beginning to understand how to please his new employer and equally importantly how to avoid a scolding.

“How long will he remain with you? Georgina asked.

William’s eyes suddenly lifted from the floor.

It was a question he himself had not dared to ask, having his debt being taken care of had initially been such an overwhelming relief he was afraid to ask too many questions. However, this comfort soon disappeared, being replaced by the shock and confusion when presented with the maid’s uniform he would have to wear. Perhaps now he would know the answer.

“Until I can replace him with a more traditional servant girl.” Caroline answered her friend.

On hearing this, William felt a wave of relief wash over him. The price he had to pay was humiliating in the extreme but now he knew that in a week, perhaps two, he would be free of this ghastly uniform and leave this house behind him.

The women pondered this for a moment as they continued to look at William with serious faces. For some inexplicable reason he suddenly felt anxious.

“So, probably six to nine months.” Georgina said.

“Oh, at the very least given the current shortage in female servants.” Amelia added.

“I was anticipating a year....” Caroline mother said as she positioned herself in front of her maid, “As we know, for some reason girls appear to be reluctant to consider life as a domestic servant as an employment option.”

“S...si...six...months...I ...but...”the young man stammered, clearly unable to comprehend what he had just heard.

“Are you listening you silly girl.” Caroline’s mother chided him as if speaking to a five year old. “It will probably be a year, which considering the amount of money you owe I consider you are getting off lightly.”

“A... a ...year...but I...” he babbled incoherently, clutching his skirts to stop his hands from shaking.

Rooted to the spot, he was barely able to comprehend what he had just heard. It only took a split second to weigh up his options. Fleeing the house, dressed in a housemaid’s uniform and with a sizable debt owing, was not a choice he cared to make.

As he was doing this, Caroline’s mother waved away his feeble attempt at protest.

“I’m not sure you have time to spend in idle chit chat with your social superiors, my girl.” Her voice was soft but laced with  an unmistakeable authority, her forehead furrowed slightly.

He recognised the signs and felt a tingle in his spine as he perceived a nascent irritation in her face.  He had come to realise her mood was greatly enhanced by obedience and subservience.  Whatever chance he had of pleading his case when she was pleased with his performance, he would have little prospect of success if he displeased her.

“I will inspect my bedroom in ten minutes.” Caroline’s mother interrupted his thoughts “I would like to show the ladies how well trained you are after only a few days under my supervision.”

William!... are you listening to your mistress?” Georgina snapped.

 The word ‘mistress’ seemed to hang in the air like a spectre before enveloping him in yet another layer of humiliation. At that moment he caught sight of the primly uniformed maid in the large mirror, an elegantly dressed society matron, perched on four inch heels looking down on him, hair stiffly permed, her figure discretely suggesting firm foundations garments.  However much he wished he could deny it, there was absolutely no doubt that ‘mistress’ accurately described the woman’s relationship to him.

His heart sank.

His brain immediately pictured her bedroom and a rising panic began to take hold. His list of tasks flashed before his eyes.

Had he made her bed properly? Had he folded her nightgown and peignoir in the way she had instructed? Had he separated her girdles and corselettes and arranged them by colour and style? Had he ensured her shoes were organised by heel height? There were so many things she had instructed him to do, how could he possibly remember them all?

He felt a tiny bead of sweat form on his forehead, he  tried to reassure himself he had carried out her orders to the letter but there remained this lingering, nagging doubt that he had forgotten something and quickly wanted to leave to double check.

“Yes Madam...I’m sorry Madam.” he blurted and noticing the slightly irritated look on her face. He knew instantly what would please her.

He curtsied.

The acknowledgement of her authority was, as he had hoped, instant and once more he was rewarded with a smile.

“Yes William, I think you will make an excellent maidservant.” she smiled, her disposition was now quite pleasant and good-natured.

He feigned a demure expression and lowered his eyes respectfully.

“Once you are fully trained, of course.” she added, still holding his gaze, searching  for the slightest hint of a challenge to her assessment.

The sight of her hairbrush loomed large in his mind’s eye and he knew this time there would be an audience to witness his humiliation.

“Yes Madam, of course Madam.” he blurted

“Good, I am so glad you understand.” she answered with another smile as she lowered herself onto the sofa. “You may go now.”

 “Thank you Madam.” he replied and curtsied once more.

As he reached the door her voice called out,

“Don’t forget William, my bedroom in ten minutes.”

 An involuntary and barely audible whine escaped from his mouth as her eyes locked on his.

 “I sincerely hope everything will be in order.” she said as she patted her lap and smiled at him.

Underneath his light make-up his face paled as he made his way up the stairs to her bedroom.


  1. So lovely to find a wonderful new tale from you - but so sorry to read that your life circumstances have not changed. I wish I could offer something other than my heartfelt best wishes. Thank you again.


  2. You're a true expert in storytelling. I'm sure we all fall into the role of William in the first sentence.

    1. Wonderful story ❤️ i wish that I was forced to be a well panty girdled maid

  3. Whatever malady you are suffering from I hope it brings you some pleasure to know that it has not affected your considerable talent. We dedicated fans truly appreciate you.

  4. Wonderful story my dear. Big compliments for the very appropriate choice of words and description of the scenes. I wish I could write so elegantly and eroticizingly. You are a wonderful woman. The older we get, the harder it becomes to create excitable texts. I, for one, wish you only the best and good health. Elenetty.

  5. Dear Jennifer- so glad you enjoyed the story, I share my current circumstances with a few friends/colleagues so at least I’m not alone in that respect. But that’s also true of the very kind readers of this blog. . Your best wishes are greatly appreciated.
    Dear Anon- thank you for your generous comment. IT’s reat to like you like the material I post I just wish I could contribute more often.
    Dear Jnyjn, good to hear from you again and I so grateful for your very kind words. Please believe me it means a lot and it does give me a lift to know people. I count myself lucky that readers are so supportive.

    Dear Elennetty, thank you for your very supportive words and I am delighted that you view my writing so positively. It does mean a lot when readers make such favorable comments and makes the effort and time all the more worthwhile.

    Thank you all again for your support and best wishes.

  6. Dear Carrie,Just found this excellent story with a delicious sting in the tale that we your fans have come to expect from such an accomplished author and i do strongly believe your talent has re emerged from your recent dark period.Your latest story "Fall from Grace" is yet another beautifully narrated tale of an arrogant young male being Petticoated for unruly behaviour as a Housemaid then offered a promotion to being a Goddaughter instead of getting his male clothing back,Absolutely delicious,Yours Julia D.
