Friday, 25 August 2023

The Shape of Things to Come - New Image

 The image below reflects my fascination -and I hope some of the blog's readers- with ladies Victorian fashions. Just imagine putting yourself in the shoes or perhaps that should be corset and petticoats of this feminised male.

Thanks to Jennifer for providing and inserting the text.

I'm close to completing another story but  my focus remains elsewhere and not sure when I'll be in a position to post it. Hopefully within a few weeks.

Thanks for your patience.

Take care



  1. Long-time fan who loves your work. Thank you. Hope all is well.

  2. Dear Anon, Many thanks for your kind comment and I'm really glad you like the material I post. I wish I could post more often but I'm still having difficulty focusing. However, I reckon I have 90% of a new story written and hope to complete it in the coming weeks.
    Thank you again for your concern.
    Take care

  3. Dear Carrie - you write beautifully and your subject matter of hapless males ensnared in feminine wiles and foundations is highly appealing. Do please continue to delight your readers!

  4. Thanks for creating this blog and helping others to learn

  5. Dear Poppy, I'm so glad you enjoy the material I post and It's good to know others find the idea of the confinement of a male in heavy and restricting foundationwear appealing. I greatly appreciate your kind words.
    Hopefully I'll be able to complete the next story soon.

    Dear machine a sous avec tours gratuits - Thank you also for taking the time to post your generous comment regarding the blog, I'm very grateful.

    Take care

  6. carrie are you ok?

  7. Dear Anon, I greatly appreciate your concern, it really is very kind of you to enquire. Unfortunately the last few months have been particularly difficult and I’m still struggling. It never ceases to amaze me how one or two narcissists in positions of power can make someone’s life misery. However, I do realise millions of people have far greater challenges than me and I’m trying to keep that in the forefront of my mind.
    I’ve had 90-95% of a story written since August and it would only take a few hours to finish it but because of my situation I’m finding it very difficult to do so.
    What I may do is post half of it in the coming days and try to complete it in the next few weeks.
    Thank you again for your concern, I’m very grateful.
