Sunday, 14 July 2024

Another Caption Challenge


It’s been a while but I guess regular readers of this blog may  have an  inkling as to why that is. Unfortunately, I can’t say I’m in a better place but may well be by the end of the year.  

I have a very short story 90% written but I’m having difficulty focusing on completing it. Hopefully I may finish it in a few weeks.

Meanwhile the best I can offer is another caption challenge, just remember keep it to 100 words maximum and try not to be too explicit.

Readers of this blog have similar tastes to mine and I’m sure your imagination is better.

Why not let it loose on this.

Below is my view of what is going on in this image. It would be  great to get yours.

 Many thanks to Jennifer for inserting readable text into the image above.


Take care



  1. What a pleasant surprise! Your fans worry about you, and are hoping the next news we hear from you will be good.

    Thanks so much for doing this again. Your caption could not be improved upon, but I had phone thinking about this:

    "I do so fondly remember when you, his older cousins, would dress him in your clothes and include him in your pretend play. I am surprised though that, at his age, you can get still get him to slip into femininity and pretend to be a girl at your sorority Fall Gala tonight."

    "Actually, Auntie, all it took was us showing him the picture album reminding him of all the times we took him out with us and fooled everyone into thinking he was a girl. He didn’t know we still had all those pictures."


  2. "fun" not "phone." Sorry.

  3. Dear Jnynj
    I'm glad you enjoyed the new images and thank you for your good wishes, I really appreciate them.
    Take care

  4. we've all missed you and hope your health is satisfactory tom

  5. Dear Tom
    Thank you so much for your concern, it's very kind of you.
    I'm still struggling but I think there is an end in sight I'm just not sure if it will be weeks or months. Thank you again.
