Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Ideas for Amongst Women Chapter 5 and other thoughts

I have to assume that if anyone is reading this they’ve come by way of Bea’s blog. I contribute more to Petticoat Discipline Monthly and Bea’s than my own, don’t really know why -might have to change that. Now that I’ve published Chapter 5 of Amongst Women on Bea’s blog the search for ideas for the final Chapter begins. I also have to assume if you’re reading this then you’ve read Chapter 4 and are familiar with the misfortunate Jack and his tormentors or should that be tormentresses  – probably spelt it wrong – anyhoo the poor boy is about to find out who the voice ringing the bell is.

At this point it’s all wide open. All his tormentors are in the frame and I still haven’t decided but there is one frontrunner and I’ll have to choose soon if I’m ever to start. Obviously most chapters start with a blank sheet but what’s a bit scary is and I don’t know if this is true for other people  - but it is for me – my mind is a blank as well. Right now I have no idea where this story is going or more importantly where it will end.

What is great though and I mean this most sincerely I’m truly grateful to everyone who has commented on the story( and also the previous Rose and Jack strand) particularly Lucky Girl and Dave Bishop who have given me wonderful encouragement. Dave in particular is rigorous in his comments which I really like. I’m just sorry the Anon. commenters don’t sign their name so I could thank them personally. It does mean a lot to me.

I had to check something for the last chapter in one of my previous post’s on Bea’s blog- Maids and Mistresses – and came across the only comment which was  left by Lucky Girl. It was fascinating and has more than a ring of truth about it and if LG is reading this thanks for the comment I really enjoyed reading about your experiences the only pity is that you didn’t share them wide the wider readership.

Again probably talking to myself here but I think it would be great if Bea’s readers commented on any aspect of CD/TV issues whether it is difficulties coming to terms with it or your celebration of our little foibles- whatever. When it started Bea held forth on a wide range of issues and the stories were an add on – well for me at least, although most probably thought they were the main attraction. His experiences of growing up and coping with  guilt, shame etc were an eye opener and I was absorbed by them. Anyway what I’m long windingly saying is I wish people would open up a bit and use the blog for exchanging experiences as well as stories, I reckon it would be more interesting than just reading stories.

Right time to get off the soapbox and start coming up with ideas for the final chapter. If anyone has ideas or suggestions let me know. Don’t be shy you can either comment here on what you feel about it or e mail me.

Take care



Monday, 6 May 2013

Among Women - Jack's continuing struggle Part I

Better late than never, had some problems with the plot.Ok as mentioned here's my follow up to Rose and Jack with apologies to the late great Irish novelist John Mc Gahern for borrowing( and losing 2 letters in the process) the title from his book Amongst Women.
I know there are very few reading this but I would love to hear your comments no matter how critical I really would appreciate it, I will not be offended and it will help me.

Among Women- Jack's continuing struggle Part I
by CarrieP

The academic year was progressing well at the Stuyvesant Academy for Young Ladies (and one terrified boy) and on the surface it was very much the same as most schools catering for the offspring of the very wealthy. A well-structured academic syllabus with an extensive and varied programme of extra- curricular activities meant the students had a multitude of choices open to them and officially they were greatly encouraged by the staff to participate to ensure a well-rounded education but in reality it was to guarantee that they were kept out of trouble.

It had been a tumultuous introduction to life at the Stuyvesant Academy for Jack.  He had been forcibly feminised for a weekend by Rose-one of the school’s maids - after she found him in an embarrassingly compromising position and as a result was now firmly under her thumb.If that wasn’t bad enough his mother had arrived home early to find him wearing one of her satin nightgowns that Rose had forced him to wear to bed. As his mother knew nothing of what had happened while she was away with Miss Strang the school Principal, she was under the false impression that he had discovered he had a feminine side and deeply wanted to get in touch with it. Rose obviously did nothing to enlighten Mrs Swanson to the true reason behind Jack’s feminine attire and had actually planted the seed in her head regarding this new tender persona but suggesting it might be best if it remained their little secret to avoid needless embarrassment to Jack. As if to further emphasise his predicament and add to his embarrassment Jack was also manoeuvred into referring to his mother as Mummy in true girlish fashion. His mother was delighted to discover  that her son had a softer side it almost made up for not having a daughter, Jack however was disgusted that he had to maintain this feminine charade  but knew Rose was capable of exposing him to his mother and maybe even the Principal. Every evening to please his mother he had to don a satin or silk nightgown and peignoir and present himself to her before retiring for the night. He knew she had a propensity since he was a child to check on him regularly and if he removed the nightgown he knew she would confide in Rose so he was forced to spend the night within the confines of the soft ultra- feminine nightgown.

 In the days since his mother’s return Rose seemed to be a constant feature around the house and it was obvious that his mother was quite taken with her and developed a relationship more akin to friendship rather than maid and mistress. Jack was alarmed by this new female pairing and despite his best efforts was being drawn into its orbit. He was constantly being asked his opinion on all things feminine, his mother’s new dress or shoes, Rose’s new hairstyle or earrings. His football and music magazines disappeared overnight and were replaced by girl’s and woman’s fashion publications. His chores were now almost exclusively consisted of helping Rose. When his mother was absent for a few hours she wasted no time in having him capped and aproned but he was grateful that she had no time to dress him in full uniform. To his barely disguised annoyance she constantly tormented him about their time together and just as he would consider rebuking her she coyly raised the issue of a certain signed confession to a lewd act and he reverted to his submissive role.

It was a relief to him when his mother suggested that they take a trip into town to purchase some kitchen utensils. A morning following his mother around a shopping mall was a far better prospect than another Saturday with Rose. It had long fascinated him that his mother like most women could not just go to a store get what was required and leave, she had to spend what seemed like an eternity mulling over her choices before buying a simple item. It was while this usual performance was being acted out  he heard a vaguely familiar voice from behind him.

“Gail I haven’t had a chance to thank you properly since I got back” the voice of Principal Strang boomed out to his mother.

“Principal Strang I didn’t want to disturb you during your convalescence” his mother replied.

“Janet, Gail please call me Janet, you were so kind in my hour of need” and turning to Jack said

“I do hope you realise what a kind and warm hearted person your mother is young girl”

Jack shifted uncomfortably and wanted to correct her immediately but thought her use of the word “girl” a slip of the tongue. The truth be known her physical stature and her position as Principal were also quite intimidating factors. He was somewhat annoyed that his mother had ignored this slight however he was forced to mumble

“Yes Ma’am”  

The women practically ignored him as they chatted away and he was relegated to the role of bystander.

“I was just on my way to purchase some lingerie my sister usually accompanies me but she is indisposed and I wonder could I impose on you, I would dearly love your opinion.” Miss Strang asked his mother.

“I would be delighted” Mrs Swanson replied.

Jack was thrilled, at last he could get away and cruise the mall and check out the new games store, not to mention girls, maybe get a pizza later as they were bound to take ages. His planning was rudely interrupted as his mother addressed him

“Come along dear, the lingerie store is this way”

“I thought I might visit the new sports store I need new sneakers”

Jack visibly paled as the two women looked impatiently at him. Miss Strang shot him one of her fierce looks and said in a stern voice

“Young lady, I do hope you’re not going to disobey your mother”

“I ..  I mean…. It’s just ….” He stammered as he reeled from her withering look and authoritarian voice which he had witnessed reducing girls to tears on several occasions. He was far too afraid to mention this was the second time she had referred to him as a female.

“Now come along we haven’t all day” she continued as she positioned herself by his side and with his mother at the other they moved off with him firmly secured between the two women.

His heart was racing all the way to his dreaded destination, his eyes darted about to see if any of the girls from school were in the vicinity. None were visible much to his relief, a small but welcome mercy. He had seen lingerie departments in stores before, from a close but discreet distance and had stolen furtive glances at women examining various items of underwear. On one such occasion some women had noticed him and smiled knowingly in his direction which made him blush a bright red and immediately beat a hasty retreat. However this was different he was frogmarched into the heart of an obviously exclusive lingerie store. There was nowhere to scamper off to, no escape, nowhere to hide, here he was in the most feminine environment imaginable and in the company of the formidable Miss Strang and his mother. He heard the door close behind him, there would be no escape this time - he was trapped. The store was populated by women of various ages and sizes all browsing racks of every imaginable type of intimate feminine garment and as they moved through the store his nostrils were assailed by the scent of dozens of different perfumes.  He felt, but more importantly looked like a fish out of water, the only male in a woman’s world. They followed Miss Strang as she made her first foray through various racks of satin garments stopping at one she turned to them and said

“I think these slips are divine, what do you think girls?”

“Yes they are beautiful Janet but I think you’re mistaking my son for one of the girls” Mrs Swanson said smiling.

Jack was relieved that finally it was pointed out to Miss Strang that he was a boy. His recent traumatic experiences with Rose were bad enough and now his mother thinking he had a feminine side and practically forcing him to wear a nightgown, Miss Strang referring to him as a girl was really the last straw. Maybe now he might be allowed to go.

Miss Strang somewhat bemused looked at Jack as if it was for the first time.

“Oh don’t mind me I’m just so used to seeing girls all the time I keep forgetting we have one boy but I’m sure you don’t mind Jackie. Do you?” she said in a soft but firm voice using the hated feminine version of his name and fixing him with a look that seemed to dare him to contradict her.

“Um  no I suppose not” he demurred

“How kind of you so I’m sure you won’t mind if I occasionally forget and use a female rather than a male pronoun after all Jackie can be used as a girl’s name as well as a boy’s and  with your long hair, well.. I’m sure you understand.”

His mother gave him a look from behind Miss Strang which left him in no doubt as to the answer he should give.

“No Miss Strang I understand” he lied.

“It’s not a problem Janet, Jackie doesn’t mind he’s not one of those macho types I’m glad to say. In fact joining the school has made him more sensitive to the feminine perspective” his mother volunteered causing Jack’s stomach to tighten.

“Getting in touch with his feminine side eh? What a dear sensitive boy I wish some of our girls had such gentile sensibilities.” Miss Strang cooed.

“Isn’t that right, Jackie?” Mrs Swanson said proudly.

“Yes Mum” Jack again lied as every fibre of his body squirmed with embarrassment and to add insult to injury now even she was  calling him Jackie.

“Jackie I thought we agreed how you would address me” she admonished.

Was there no end to her attempts to embarrass me he thought but as both women waited impatiently for his answer he swallowed hard and he duly gave the required response.

“Yes Mummy”

“How adorable” Miss Strang gushed as her two arms enveloped Jack and drew him into her body. The discrepancy in their height meant his face pressed directly into her large pillow like breasts. He could smell her very femininity and to his horror had the stirrings of an erection, he was soon released and she turned her attention to his mother saying

“Oh Gail I hope you don’t mind it’s just it’s so unusual to discover such a delightful and agreeable young man, I was quite overcome.”  

“Of course not, I’m sure he doesn’t mind, isn’t that right Jackie” she said.

“No Mummy” he replied knowing any other answer would not be acceptable.

Recovering from her sudden attack of emotion Miss Strang and his mother turned her attention back to the slips hanging from the rack, his mother picked one showed it to Miss Strang and said

“I think this one is gorgeous Janet.”

“Yes Gail, I love pale pink, it’s such a feminine colour, Jackie would you be a darling and hold it up to your body so we can get an idea of how it looks on.” Miss Strang said and without waiting for an answer handed him the slip.

He had no choice but to do as she asked and awkwardly held the silky soft slip at arms length up to his chest.

“No, not like that I can see you’re not used to this dear” Miss Strang said and directed him to hold the slip to his shoulders by the straps.

“Much better” his mother said approvingly and continued “yes I love that colour and the mocha lace is so pretty. I think we’ll  have a look at some others.”

Jack knew there was no point in protesting at this point and complied meekly as the women gave him slip after slip in various colours and materials to hold to his body for their inspection. To his further discomfiture he noticed a number of women taking notice of his ordeal and his unease increased as they approached, he was shortly surrounded by women taking more of an interest in him than the lingerie.

“What a pretty slip” one of them said as they engaged in a conversation about its style and material.

“Would your daughter mind if she held up this one? ” another said “ I’m hoping to convince my own daughter  to wear one  but she’s such a tomboy, always in jeans”

Jack could see what was coming and wished the floor would swallow him.

“Oh this is not my daughter, it’s my son, I will really have to do something about his hair I suppose  it’s  easy to mistake him for a girl, he’s just helping us out as we try to decide which ones to buy” his mother said as Jack blushed furiously.

“I wish my daughter would accompany me lingerie shopping, she says too busy playing sports for all that girly stuff, you’re so lucky” she said and all her friends nodded their agreement as they smiled approvingly at Jack. He knew this ringing endorsement would only entrench his mother’s and now apparently  Miss Strang’s views also.

“Forgive me but I’m sure I know you” Miss Strang said to the woman “does your daughter attend the Stuyvesant Academy”

“I thought I recognised you also” she said “I’m Emily Quinn , Pamela’s mother, I’m visiting my sister who lives close by for a  few weeks and thought I would drop by and bring Pamela shopping but she flatly refused to accompany me much prefers browsing through sports stores than lingerie shops, as I said a bit of a tomboy. I’d love to stay but I have an appointment and must rush.”

A shiver went down Jack’s spine at the mention of Pamela’s name but was relieved that Pamela wasn’t with her to witness this spectacle. That would have been unbearable.

 Then came the coup de grace as she turned to his mother and said

“Please don’t take this the wrong way and I do mean this as a compliment he really would make such a darling girl. I’m so envious I don’t get to do girly stuff with my daughter.”

Her entourage concurred with another collective bout of head nodding and warm smiles. Jack almost suffocated in the oestrogen laden atmosphere. He hadn’t been so humiliated since his subjugation at Rose’s hands. Far from being insulted his mother beamed as did Miss Strang at this notion and Jack was grateful as the clutch of women moved away before they could add more fuel to this particular fire.

“Oh dear I’ve just remembered I have an appointment at the nail salon would you mind looking after Jackie until I return, it shouldn’t be long” his mother said to Miss Strang.

“Of course the dear girl is no bother” she said

Before Jack could say anything she thanked Miss Strang and was gone and he was left alone with this formidable woman.

“Come along Jackie , I need some other items” she said as she headed for another part of the store and added “ and bring the pink, ivory and powder blue slips with you”

Hanging his head in shame and trying to make himself look as inconspicuous as possible he followed her carrying the satin and silk slips, any hope that they were headed for a quiet corner were soon dispelled as Miss Strang sought out the manager.

“Ms Strang how nice to see you again” the store manager said eyeing Jack who stood slightly behind her  as she noticed him holding the feminine garments “we have that new range you were inquiring about. Please follow me.”

“Thank you Michelle” Miss Strang replied with an easy familiarity.

Jack dutifully followed the two women to an area with mannequin displays of various styles of foundation wear.

“Would the young lady like to try on the slips in the dressing rooms?” the manager said

“Oh no the slips are for me this is my friend’s son, he’s being such a darling helping me out while his mother attends an appointment.” Miss Strang said

“Oh please forgive me, I’m such an idiot” she said to Jack “I forgot to put in my contacts this morning we don’t get too many males in here. It must be your longish hair”

“That’s ok” Jack mumbled knowing there was nothing else to say.

Jack stood there feeling like a fool as the manager showed Miss Strang various types of girdles and bras whilst discussing the merits of each item. Eventually after what seemed an age they seemed to settle on several items.

“I know you like assistance but all my assistants are tied up at the moment if you would like to wait for fifteen minutes or so.” the manager said.

“No that’s quite all right” Miss Strang said and laughed “I brought my own, now come along my dear, leave those slips on the chair and bring those bras and girdles” she ordered pointing to the various items of satin and lace on the counter.

He gingerly picked up the items of underwear and followed her into the spacious dressing room.

“Maybe I should wait outside” he said

“Not at all, I’m sure you’ve seen your mother in her underwear before and it’s not like you’re one of those horrible macho boys” she said as she unbuttoned her blouse revealing her ample bosom encased in a formidable bra under a black satin slip. Turning her back to him she said

“Unbutton and unzip my skirt, there’s a good girl.”

As she stepped out of the skirt she took off her blouse and handed it to him. He bristled at being referred to as “a good girl” but nevertheless said nothing and laid the skirt and blouse on the chair as she slipped off the straps of the slip and let it fall to the ground and stepped out of it. He instinctively bent down and picked it up place it with the skirt and blouse. Noticing he did this without instruction she said

“Your mother certainly has you well trained now hand me that new bra before you unhook me then turn your back until I call you again.”

After she remove her bra and slipped her arms into the new one she again called for him.

“You may hook me up now” she commanded and he obeyed silently delicately fastening the seven tiny hooks into their matching eye tabs.

“Excellent” she said “you would make a wonderful lady’s maid, but I think I may have the wrong size. Run along to Michelle and ask her for a white long line bra size 38D, oh ask her for a flesh coloured  open bottom corselettte with satin panels also.”

He baulked at the mention of lady’s maid as it brought back the humiliation he suffered in that very role at Rose’s hands. There seemed to be no end to her demands but he reckoned the sooner he got this over with the better and he made his way to the counter to get the requested items.

The few customers at the counter gave him quizzical looks and he felt even more uncomfortable than previously if that was possible as he waited for Michelle.

“And what can I do you young man” she said loudly enough for the customers to stop what they were doing and take notice.

Jack whispered the instructions he had been given by Miss Strang but Michelle apparently had difficulty in hearing them and said

“I’m sorry dear boy I can barely hear you, is that a 38B or 38D long line bra you want?”

Jack went bright red instantly and barely managed to stammer


The women at the counter began to giggle and one of them said

“I thought he was more a 36A”

Michelle noticed Jack’s discomfort, smiled at him and gently admonished the customers

“Ladies, this young man is being very gallant in assisting one of my customers, now what else can I get for you

“A flesh coloured corsellette with satin panels” he mumbled

“A flesh coloured corsellette with satin panels” she repeated “is that a panty corsellette or open bottomed?”

“Open bottomed” he blurted wondering how long would this torture continue.

“Same bra size?” the never ending questions continued as the women customers could now barely supress their laughter.  

 Jack was on the verge of tears when Michelle intervened.

“Ladies….. Please. Leave the poor boy alone”

The women gather around Jack and hugged him.

“We’re sorry, we didn’t mean to hurt you, please forgive us”

He recovered his composure enough to nod his acceptance and as he took the garments from Michelle and   was about to walk away he heard a voice behind him saying

“I’d love to see him in a tight corsellette with or without satin panels.”

He recognised the voice immediately. Pamela

“When Mother told me there was a nice young man in the lingerie store helping his mummy and Miss Strang I knew it could only be you.”

“I’ve got to get back to Miss Strang” he said cursing his bad luck and walking away from her but she fell in beside him.

“I see you’re acting as Strang’s lady’s maid, I wonder what she’d say if she knew you had previous experience” Pamela said, smiling.

Reaching the dressing room he knocked on the door and waited for Miss Strang to bid him enter.

“About time too” Miss Strang said impatiently “now unclasp me and hand me the new bra.”

He went through the same ritual time and again until she had settled on what she wanted and after going through the indignation of helping her dress again they emerged from the dressing room to be greeted by his mother, Pamela and her mother.

“I ran into Pamela and her mother and Pamela said she’d love to meet Jackie when she found out he was here, they’re such good friends. I do hope Jackie was of assistance” his mother asked Miss Strang

“He was wonderful, quiet, dutiful and biddable, unobtrusive but always at hand” she said

“You’re just described my former lady’s maid” Pamela’s mother said “ she left last month and I’m lost without her, so hard to find  one these days  with the qualities you’ve described.”

Pamela grinned at Jack and he squirmed at Miss Strang’s description.

“Now run along with these to Michelle like a good girl and tell her I’ll need four bras and five corsellettes as well as half a dozen slips in the various colours.” Miss Strang said as she handed him the various items.

He stood rooted to the spot and briefly thought of throwing them back at her but one look from his mother dissuaded him of that particular notion, he meekly took the items from her and made his way to Michelle for what promised to be another embarrassing encounter.

It took him several minutes to return with her purchases and the women were in deep conversation when he arrived back.

“Of course it will take several weeks and a lot of hard work” his mother was saying as he re-joined the group “but I do think Pamela would be ideal.”

He was relieved that at least they weren’t still talking about him and lady’s maids in the one breath but wondered what the hell were they discussing?

“Well thank you so much Mrs Swanson but I would only do it if Jackie took part also” Pamela said with her fake sweet smile.

Jack was totally lost, just what are these people talking about now? he said to himself.

“Pamela has written a one act play as part of her drama course, she’s auditioned her classmates for the other role and none are suitable but she feels you would be perfect for it. You’ve done plays before, what do you say?” his mother said beaming at him as if he’d been asked to play opposite Meryl Streep.

“I… I’m not sure, I…  I have a lot on” he struggled for words but his mother was having none of it.

“Nonsense you have a lot of free time and you have no tests coming up, you don’t want to disappoint your friend now do you?”

“Oh please Jackie” Mrs Quinn said “it would mean so much to Pamela and I”

All four women looked at him expectantly. He had no excuses left and now no options either.

“Ok I suppose so” he said reluctantly.

“Oh thank you so much Jackie” Mrs Quinn said, a sentiment echoed by the other two women. Pamela just smiled and Jack had a sudden familiar queasy feeling.

“What's the name of the play” he asked, now with some trepidation.

“Oh didn’t I mention that Jackie?” Pamela said still smiling.

He shook his head.

“The Mistress and Maid”

Jack groaned audibly and tried to argue but the women were already all talking together at fever pitch and no one heard his protest. When they finally stopped they again thanked him profusely and Pamela kissed him. A Judas kiss if ever there was one.

“See you at rehearsals” she said and walked away grinning.


Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Story Update

If anyone is reading this then this is just a short note to let you know I've started the follow up to Rose and Jack although I still haven't a title.. I needed to get the beginining right before I could proceed and hopefully I've done that so I can move on and flesh out the story. As I said in the previous post I don't want to impinge on Lucky Girl's plotline but at the same time I'd like to get it to as many readers as possible( as people were very kind with their comments and it seemed to have gotten some interest so I have to assume readers enjoyed it) so I'm in a bit of a quandry. I'll post mine here and maybe if LG doesn't post for a while I may post on Bea's blog as well. If anyone has any thoughts or the matter or  want to include their particular peccadilloes in the story let me know and if it chimes with what I have in mind then I'll try it BUT I can't promise anything.
I'm hoping to get this part finished in a few days weekend latest.

As usual would appreciate any feedback I'd also like to know if people want to see some images like those included in Rose and Jack  I don't know whether they are any good or if they're  just a distraction.


Thursday, 18 April 2013

My contributions to this blog are hit and miss. I have to assume that anyone  this blog has stopped by because of the Rose and Jack story I posted on Bea's blog.
From many of the kind and positive comments I think Bea's readers enjoyed it. I brought that part as far as I could but now I'm thinking of creating another strand to the story but as Lucky Girl is continuing with his/her wonderful contribution  I think there may be scope to explore Jack's relationship with other characters. I think Lucky Girl's story is going great and I hope she continues with it but I think it's important I do not  interefere with her plot/storyline.
As Rocket Dave pointed out some time ago  a few contributors to the same story at the same time  was a potential mess waiting to be written so if I do decide to go ahead I'll only post it here so as not to interfere with LG's story.
At the moment I have only a vague idea for the plot but I will put some more thought into it in the next week or so if time permits.
 I'll be almost exclusively in the company of women for the next week and that always gets my sub/femme side up and running. Mind you it does the masculine side head in as well- talk about being fucked up.


Sunday, 24 February 2013

Rose and Jack Part 3

Just a couple of things before the next instalment.

I hope he doesn’t mind me mentioning this  but perhaps readers should know Bea is experiencing some serious health problems at the moment and is undergoing heavy duty treatment so may not be in the best shape to make his usual contributions. But hopefully he has turned the corner and is starting the road back. Hurry up you cranky old Scot, we miss you.

Thank you to the people who took the time (and had the patience to persist) in posting comments and  who found the story interesting. Like Bea I have found it difficult to post comments, I think the trick is to sign in just before you post and this is not always visible in the window as displayed, you have to expand it. Anyway I really appreciate the comments. I’d like to clarify a point one commenter made regarding adding to the story.

Rosie and Jack are only one part of Bea’s concept which involves a wider female community by which Jack can be subjugated and this is my take on one member of that community – Rose - and her developing relationship with our hero/victim. I think in order to allow others who want to contributr/develop their storyline it’s probably best if I confine my bit to Rose and Jack (although I have an idea for a cameo appearance from Pamela in the next episode)  and I also think it’s important that what’s happened is their little secret so others can develop the story and Jack’s character  independently if they so wish.

The last contributor to the story – Bea -  has suggested that there will be a party. My part of the  storyline takes place before that so when this part ends (there is at least one more episode, if readers are still interested) maybe the story continues from there but the only people who are aware of what has preceded the party are Jack and Rose. Having said that I don’t think this should stop people from posting their own story line.

Shit! I hope that makes sense.

This kind of stuff may not to everyone’s taste and I could be boring the shit out of Bea’s readership  but I am interested in what people think good or bad. If readers find this storyline interesting, enjoyable, or just plain crap please let me know I’m not precious about it but feedback can give me ideas to develop it  or tell me where I’m going wrong.

Again thanks for taking the time to comment I really appreciate it.


PS I will finish this but not sure when next instalment will be, could be a week to 10 days.
Rose and Jack Part 3
Jack was still reeling from what had just happened he cursed himself for his bad luck. Why didn’t his mother tell him Rose was arriving that morning, why did he have to fantasise about Rose at that moment? Why, why, why, it made no difference now, he was in deep trouble and was dependant on Rose not exposing his secret. He had little time to think about this now Rose had made it clear that she wanted the room cleaned to her satisfaction and as his new attire aptly demonstrated, she usually got what she wanted.  
He tried to remember what Rose had shown him a few days previously, how to make a bed properly, dust all surfaces not neglecting the corners and difficult nooks and crannies, tidy the dressing table, he feared he was bound to forget something. As he scurried about the room trying to focus on the task at hand he was forcibly reminded with every single movement of his new feminine clothing. All his senses seemed to have been heightened. The hair clips holding his maid’s cap in place, the gentle rubbing of the soft pantyhose as he walked, the bra tightening across his back when he bent over, the restriction of the girdle stretched tightly over his stomach, the soft sensation of the slip in caressing his pantyhosed thighs, the tightness in his claves from the unfamiliar height of his heels.  The ignominy that all these were his mother’s was bad enough but his ultimate humiliation he felt was his imprisonment- for that is what it was -  in the capped and aproned uniform of a housemaid. Despite his best efforts he could not avoid catching glimpses of himself in the mirrors throughout the room. He hated to admit it to himself but  the reflections he saw in the mirrors bore little resemblance to a teenage boy, the figure moving about the room was undoubtedly that of a young uniformed servant girl her skirts swaying slightly with her every movement. He forced himself to snap out of these thoughts and concentrate on his work. Hopefully he could get through his chores in an hour or so and then he would be able to discard these degrading clothes. He had learned the error of his ways and resolved never to make the same mistake again.
 “Have you finished girl” he heard Rose’s raised voice as she approached his room for her inspection. He forgot for an instant the he was the “girl” to whom she was addressing her question. He recovered just as she entered the room. He noticed she had taken off her cap and apron and now looked more like the school matron than a maid.
“Yes Miss Rose” he said.
“Aren’t you forgetting something” she said giving him a bemused look.
He suddenly remembered and somewhat embarrassed, gave her a hurried curtsy.
“Are you reluctant to curtsy, girl, think it’s beneath you is that it?” she said in a stern voice.
“No Miss Rose, I’m sorry I forgot, it won’t happen again” he pleaded.
“Very well as you are new to service I’ll allow it to pass... this time.” she said “Now let me see if you have remembered what I taught you last week. Stand there with your hands held together in front of your apron. It is the pose properly trained maids adopt in the presence of a superior.”
He stood there as she had ordered bristling at the subservient stance he was forced to take while she inspected his work, first the bed then she ran her finger over various surfaces checking for dust, and examined every part of the room. Finally she finished and turned to him.
“Not bad, a few things need improving the dresser could be tidier, the pillows should be plumped more but we can work on that.”
He didn’t know why but he was so relieved he gave another curtsy.
“Thank you Miss Rose” he said and suddenly became aware of the instinctive and submissive nature of the gesture, he could feel himself blushing. Not to worry he thought, just something to keep her happy for another hour or so, but he was grateful that she smiled rather than barracked him.
“Much better my girl. I think you could make an excellent housemaid given the proper training and supervision” she said looking at him as if requiring a response.
He was both surprised and horrified by this remark and while he felt like asking sarcastically  if she was joking, he thought this would only antagonise her and felt  the best course would be agree and move on to the next task.
“Thank you Miss Rose” and curtsied, hating himself and wishing this would end soon.
“Ok let’s move on we still have a lot to do. We’ll start downstairs.”
He followed her downstairs the sound of their heels seemed to click in unison as they walked. This was the longest distance he had walked so far and was becoming less fearful of stumbling in his new shoes and also more aware of the way the skirt of his uniform swayed as he moved. She told him to begin in the kitchen, first sweeping the floor then loading the dishwasher, clean all work surfaces and a plethora of other tasks. She supervised him all the while pointing out errors here and there, he was kept so busy that he barely thought of how he was dressed.
 As she watched him set about his work Rose smiled to herself as occasionally he would reach inside his uniform to adjust his bra or the straps of his slip just like a  girl would do. Once she almost laughed out loud as he unselfconsciously tugged his girdle back into place as it rode up the cheeks of his shapely behind. How very feminine of him she thought. After he had completed his various tasks she told him he could take a break for a cup of coffee. He was glad of the break, he wasn’t used to all this work as these were chores his mother usually performed. She poured the coffee as he sat down.
“Not like that” she corrected him “when sitting in a skirt a girl smooth’s the back of her skirt with her hands from her bottom to the backs of her knees so she won’t bunch her skirt and keep your legs together at all times. Now let me see you try it again.”
He did as he told and got it right first time, much to his surprise.
“Much better” she congratulated him “now that we’re on a break and you haven’t sulked you may revert to calling me Rose, but once you resume work it’s Miss Rose. Understood?”
“Yes Miss Rose, I mean Rose” he said thrown by this turn of events which was exactly what Rose was aiming for.
Now that they were sitting as equals he mustered enough courage to broach the subject of when he would be allowed revert to his male clothing, the thought of his mother catching him dressed like this was proving a major worry.
“I know I’ve done wrong Rose and I’m ever so sorry” he began “and like I said it won’t happen again.”
“I’m glad to hear that” she interrupted him.
“So after I finish cleaning can you forgive me and we can go back to being friends, if there’s anything else I can do I’ll do it.” he pleaded hoping this current humiliation would be sufficient punishment.
“Well I was very upset, it was a horrible thing you did and I think you still owe me but I haven’t  given much thought as to how you can make it up to me but as you have shown remorse for now I’ll settle for a written apology” she offered.
“No problem but can I change back into my old clothes, my mother is due back this evening and I obviously don’t want her to see me like this” he said.
“Lucky for you she’s coming home otherwise I would have insisted you remain as you are for a much longer period. Now that would go a long way to making amends. A pity ” she said and produced a pen and paper from a drawer and dictated his apology.
It was very embarrassing for him to write it down he barely took notice of  the words  “I apologise blah blah… disgusting behaviour, blah blah... no excuse blah blah, and on it went, but he was just so relieved at  getting her agreement for him to revert to male clothing  he couldn’t get it down and sign it fast enough. Without out reading it back he handed it over to her feeling it worth the price, another hour or so and he would be free and out of these humiliating clothes. She read it and smiling carefully and folding it placed it in her bra.
“That will do nicely” she said now let’s get you back to work, the living room needs vacuuming, the vacuum cleaner is under the stairs. But first follow me” she said as she strode into the hallway and stood in front of the large mirror.
“Come here girl” she commanded.
Obviously the break was over he said to himself as he stood beside her in front of the mirror.
“You must check yourself regularly in the mirror to ensure your cap and apron are in place and your slip is not showing. No harm to check your lipstick is touched up also.”
She fussed over his apron and cap adjusting them slightly until she was satisfied and showed him how to check his slip wasn’t showing. Then she handed him the tube of lipstick and showed him how to apply it himself. This was even more demeaning but at least not long to go now he thought and suffered in silence. She told him to keep the lipstick in the pocket of his apron for future applications and gently touched up his hair she stood back to admire her handiwork.
 “You make a much more attractive girl than boy” she observed casually.
From the glimpses he caught of himself upstairs and now in front of this mirror he knew she was undoubtedly correct about his girlish appearance, it was difficult even for him to detect a hint of masculinity from his reflection. He was both fascinated and repelled to think his maleness disappeared in the space of an hour or so.
She smiled and added enigmatically “You know, some women prefer that kind of thing.”
He could feel himself blushing at her compliment but didn’t know what to make of her other comment.
“Well run along girl the floor won’t vacuum itself” Rose said dismissing him to perform his next task.
He vacuumed the room with her as ever supervising him and when he had finished she ordered him to polish the various surfaces. Five minutes into this the phone rang. Rose answered it. Jack could obviously could only hear a one sided conversation.
“Swanson residence, oh hello Madam, yes I got here shortly after you left. No, he’s being a very good girl…. sorry, boy, I’m so used to seeing only girls here.” Rose was smiling at Jack who had stopped his polishing and was listening intently to the one sided conversation wincing when she referred to him as a girl. The conversation continued.
“Oh sorry to hear that, is everything all right?….yes I understand Madam …. that’s no problem at all, of course I don’t mind, no, I have nothing planned at all. Yes he’s right here.”
She smiled as she handed him the phone. “Your mother would like a word.”
As he took the phone he noticed her place her hand inside her bra and take out his written apology, glancing at it in a casual way.
He took the phone and knew what was expected, he immediately became even more embarrassed as he spoke into the phone -if that was possible- of the way he was dressed, knowing he was wearing her lingerie made the embarrassment almost unbearable. He tried to sound as if everything was normal.
“Oh hi Mum, yes Rose is taking care of me” he lied. Rose watched him and smiled as she detected his black pantyhosed knees wobble slightly.
“But Mum I can take a bus there” he almost pleaded down the line and after a few seconds of listening in silence he handed the phone back to Rose.
“Yes Madam, of course it’s no bother. I would only be too happy to look after him until you return. Good bye Madam.”
 She turned to Jack who seemed to be in a state of shock.
“Well it seems Miss Strang has had to be admitted to hospital for tests, just precautionary of course but your mother felt she’d better stay and Miss Strang is so grateful for the company. As she told you she wants me to look after you until she returns. Could be a few days, now won’t that be nice” she said with a smile Jack had come to dread.
Jack could barely believe what had just happened, Rose hardly meant to keep him dressed like this until his mother returned.
“But I can wear my own clothes after I finish the housework Rose? It’s what we agreed.” he asked in a voice almost pleading for a positive response.
“It’s Miss Rose my girl, you’re forgetting your place.” she said in an authoritative voice but continuing quietly “I think we both know the answer to that question. Now come sit here on the couch and I’ll explain.”
Patting the space beside her she motioned for him to sit beside her. He walked over to the couch and without even thinking smoothed his skirts the way she had told him and keeping his knees together sat close to her. Rose noticed this with a deep feeling of satisfaction but said nothing. He could feel the tears welling up at the prospect of spending an extended period dressed not only in feminine clothes but as a uniformed housemaid. As he sat she gently patted his thigh and said in a conciliatory tone,
“There, there, no need to be upset my pretty one. Now if you remember I said I didn’t think a few hours helping me dressed as you are would be a sufficient repayment for the horrible thing you did and it was horrible. Maybe this is an opportunity to wipe the slate clean and we can start afresh, if you are obedient, defer to me in all things, and conduct yourself in an appropriate fashion until your mother returns then I’m sure we will be even. I really think that’s fair don’t you.”
He knew he had no choice as his mother had already placed Rose in charge until her return and she held his signed apology or what now seemed like a signed confession. He bowed his head and sighed,
“I suppose so”
“That’s a good girl” she said and rubbing salt into the wound added “after all it really is for your own good. Isn’t that right?”
He nodded but she persisted and repeated the question, saying
“Now let me hear you say it”
“Yes Miss Rose. It’s for my own good” he said fighting back the tears, realising his feminised humiliation would not end today.
“Good girl, now back to work, you still need to finish your dusting”
“Yes Miss Rose” he said as he submissively returned to his housemaid’s duties.
to be continued

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Bea's Story Looking for help

I seriously doubt if anyone reads this blog but on the off chance that somebody does you may be aware that I've done a small piece for Bea's untitled - at the time of writing - story.
If you haven't read it , it involves my take on the feminisation of our hero or maybe that should be victim. Anyway I was thinking of adding to it and to illustrate it have composed the attached pic. Our hero, Jackie, is the one facing the larger female figure.
My question to anyone reading this is what would you reckon the accompanying text should be.
I would really like to hear your suggestions as to how his feminisation should proceed. Please give it a go. It could be fun.
